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Created May 26, 2014 19:01
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Upload a sample to VirusTotal and pretty print the report. All in a handy alias.
# Upload a sample to VirusTotal and pretty print the report. All in a handy alias.
# Dependecies:
# * python > 2.7
# * pip install Pygments==1.4
# * curl
# * VirusTotal API key
virustotal_upload() {
echo "$(tput setaf 7)Uploading $1 to VirusTotal$(tput sgr0)"
vt_hash=$(curl -X POST '' --form apikey=$apikey --form file=@"$(realpath $1)" | grep -o '"[0-9|a-f]{64}"' | head -1 | sed 's/"//g')
echo "$(tput setaf 4)SHA256:$vt_hash waiting for report..$(tput sgr0)"
while true; do
response=`curl -X POST '' --form apikey=$apikey --form resource=$vt_hash 2>/dev/null`
echo `echo $response|grep -o '"scans"'`
if [ $(echo -n "$response"|grep -o '"response_code": 1'| wc -l) -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$response" | python -mjson.tool | pygmentize -l javascript -f console | less -r
echo -e -n "$(tput setaf 7).$(tput sgr0)\r"
sleep 5
alias virustotal=virustotal_upload
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nice alias. i turned it into a quick script at that uses jq to format the output a bit too.

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