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Last active March 2, 2018 19:10
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Data Structures in CoffeeScript – a growing collection
class Node
cargo : null
left : null
right : null
constructor : (@cargo) ->
class Tree
root : null
current : null
constructor : (@root) ->
insertNode : (cargo) ->
node = @root
while node
if cargo >= node.cargo
if node.right isnt null
node = node.right
node.right = new Node cargo
if node.left isnt null
node = node.left
node.left = new Node cargo
inorder = (node) ->
return if node is null
# Recursive
inorder node.left
console.log node.cargo
inorder node.right
# Build a tree
tree = new Tree
tree.root = new Node 20
for i in [1..50]
rand = Math.round(Math.random() * 100)
tree.insertNode rand
# Traverse that tree
inorder tree.root
# Listen Container
class List
last: null
first: null
add: (cargo) ->
el = new Node(cargo)
el.prev = @last
if(@last isnt null) = el
if(@first isnt null)
@first = el
@last = el
# Listenelemete
class Node
next: null
prev: null
constructor: (@cargo) ->
# Liste anlegen und füllen
list = new List
for i in [0..10]
list.add i
# Queue Data Structure in CoffeeScript
# uses the First-In First-Out Principle
# Element class
class Element
constructor: (@cargo, @next) ->
# Queue Class
class Queue
constructor : () ->
@head = null
@pointer = null
add : (cargo) ->
el = new Element cargo, @pointer
if @pointer isnt null = el
@pointer = el
if @head is null
@head = el
get : () ->
val = @head
@head =
return val
# Test the Queue
# Create a Queue
myQueue = new Queue()
# Fill it
for i in [0..10]
myQueue.add i
# Output it
for i in [0..10]
console.log myQueue.get().cargo
# A quite nice stack in coffeescript
# uses the Last-In First-Out Principle
# Element Class
class Element
constructor: (@cargo, @next) ->
# Stack Class
class Stack
constructor : () ->
@head = null
push : (cargo) ->
el = new Element cargo, @head
@head = el
pop : () ->
val = @head
@head =
return val
# Test the Stack
# Create a stack
myStack = new Stack()
# Fill the stack
for i in [0..10]
myStack.push i
# Output the stack
for i in [0..10]
console.log myStack.pop().cargo
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Very nice work, your Queue totally saved my day!

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