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Created October 8, 2023 16:25
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Reads in CSS file(s) and turns custom properties and custom media queries into an object format that can be passed to Tailwind or UnoCSS config
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import postcss from 'postcss';
const customMediaNameRegExp = /^custom-media$/i;
const customMediaParamsRegExp = /^(--[A-z][\w-]*)\s+([\W\w]+)\s*$/;
const customMediaValueRegExp = /min-width:[ ]?([0-9]+px|rem|em)/;
* @param {import('postcss').Node} node
* @returns boolean
const isCustomMedia = (node) =>
node.type === 'atrule' &&
customMediaNameRegExp.test( &&
* Ensures the input is an array.
* @param {T|Array<T>} input
* @returns {Array<T>}
const ensureArray = (input) => [input].flat().filter(Boolean);
* Reads in a CSS file with CSS variables and returns a function that
* turns those variables into a object that can be passed to a
* TailwdindCSS (or UnoCSS) config.
* @param {string|Array<string>} entry - absolute path to the CSS file or files containing the CSS variables
* @returns {{ fromCustomProperties: {(regex: RegExp) => Record<string, string>}, fromCustomMedia: {() => Record<string, string>} }}
export const generateTailwindConfig = (entry) => {
const source = ensureArray(entry)
.map((f) => readFileSync(f, 'utf-8'))
const root = postcss.parse(source);
const variables = new Set();
// Find all custom properties
root.walkDecls((decl) => {
if (decl.parent?.selector === ':root') {
return {
fromCustomProperties: (regex) => {
const config = {};
for (const variable of variables.values()) {
if (variable.match(regex)) {
const key = variable.replace(regex, '');
config[key] = `var(${variable})`;
return config;
fromCustomMedia: () => {
const breakpoints = {};
// Heavily inspired by how postcss-custom-media does it
// SEE:
root.nodes.slice().forEach((node) => {
if (isCustomMedia(node)) {
const [, name, selectors] = node.params.match(
if (!selectors.match(customMediaValueRegExp)) {
`Only min-width style media queries are supported. Skipping ${name}.`
const [, value] = selectors.match(customMediaValueRegExp);
// Remove leading -- from name
const key = name.slice(2);
breakpoints[key] = value;
return breakpoints;
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