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Created August 22, 2017 14:35
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SASS Mixins for nice transitions
// These default values could be overwritten in a potentially cleaned up global config file ;-)
$transition--easing: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) !default
$transition--slow: '0.2s 0.1s' !default
$transition--fast: '0.1s' !default
// The main mixin
=transition($speed, $properties...)
$transitions: ()
// Timing is fast, unless 'slow' is specified
$timing: $transition--fast
@if $speed == slow
$timing: $transition--slow
@each $property in $properties
$transitions: append($transitions, #{$property} #{$timing} #{$transition--easing}, comma)
transition: $transitions
// Convenience Functions
// ---------------------
// Use fast transition for small elements and
// in-place transition
// Use slow transition for large elements and
// transitions affecting multiple sections of
// the view
+transition(fast, $properties)
+transition(slow, $properties)
// Example Usage
+fast-transition(opacity, padding)
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