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Created November 23, 2012 12:57
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Site crawler
(ns receitacrawler.sites.tudogostoso.crawler
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
(:use [cheshire.core :only [generate-string]]))
(def base-url "")
(def title-selector [ :h1])
(def ingredients-selector [:.ingredients :.recipelist :li :span])
(def image-url-selector [])
(defn all-from-selector [res selector]
(html/select res selector))
(defn first-from-selector [res selector]
(first (all-from-selector res selector)))
(defn content-from-selector [res selector]
(let [content (-> (first-from-selector res selector) :content first clojure.string/trim)]
(defn parse-ingredients [res]
(let [ingredients (all-from-selector res ingredients-selector)]
(map #(-> % :content first clojure.string/trim) ingredients)))
(defn recipe [path]
(let [url (str base-url path)
res (-> url
.getContent ( "ISO-8859-1")
title (content-from-selector res title-selector)
ingredients (parse-ingredients res)
image-url (-> (first-from-selector res image-url-selector) :attrs :src)]
{:title title :ingredients ingredients :image-url image-url}))
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