Split a bag: https://gist.github.com/lucasw/4aa64a6647989f5af6a2c7883341f030
Create an xyzrgb pointlcoud2: https://gist.github.com/lucasw/ea04dcd65bc944daea07612314d114bb
Split a bag: https://gist.github.com/lucasw/4aa64a6647989f5af6a2c7883341f030
Create an xyzrgb pointlcoud2: https://gist.github.com/lucasw/ea04dcd65bc944daea07612314d114bb
Publish a small sensor_msgs Image from the command line
To make a custom image, make an 8x8 image in Gimp then export as png.
Then get the data string:
There ought to be a way to use command line tools to convert a binary image to a long string- first convert test.png test.bin` and then something to convert binary to a string rostopic pub likes, but xxd will print hex, while rostopic pub doesn't use that.