The TTY (TeleTYpe), TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf), and TT (Text Telephone) acronyms are used interchangeably to refer to any type of text-based telecommunications equipment used by a person who does not have enough functional hearing to understand speech, even with amplification. The person sending a message types it on a small keyboard, and the person receiving the message reads the text on the display. In order for a person to use a text telephone, the individual at the other end of the conversation must also have one, or they must use a relay service. A relay service provides an operator who reads the text on a TTY and speaks the message into a telephone and/or listens on a telephone and types the message on a TTY.
VT05 - DEC 1970
VT52 - DEC 1974
VT100 - DEC 1978
VT220 - DEC 1983
Teletype Model 33 - 1963 - Bill Gate Teletype Model 33
Fun fact: Bill Gates cites the Teletype Model 33 as his first computing experience. In 1973 Gates’ Lakeside Prep School Mothers Club used its garage sale proceeds to give students computer access. The club purchased a Model-33 teletype machine that connected over phone lines to a GE time sharing computer. - When computers had personality
Valid ANSI Mode Control Sequences
CPR – Cursor Position Report – VT100 to Host
CUB – Cursor Backward – Host to VT100 and VT100 to Host
CUD – Cursor Down – Host to VT100 and VT100 to Host
CUF – Cursor Forward – Host to VT100 and VT100 to Host
CUP – Cursor Position
CUU – Cursor Up – Host to VT100 and VT100 to Host
DA – Device Attributes
DECALN – Screen Alignment Display (DEC Private)
DECANM – ANSI/VT52 Mode (DEC Private)
DECARM – Auto Repeat Mode (DEC Private)
DECAWM – Autowrap Mode (DEC Private)
DECCKM – Cursor Keys Mode (DEC Private)
DECCOLM – Column Mode (DEC Private)
DECDHL – Double Height Line (DEC Private)
DECDWL – Double-Width Line (DEC Private)
DECID – Identify Terminal (DEC Private)
DECINLM – Interlace Mode (DEC Private)
DECKPAM – Keypad Application Mode (DEC Private)
DECKPNM – Keypad Numeric Mode (DEC Private)
DECLL – Load LEDS (DEC Private)
DECOM – Origin Mode (DEC Private)
DECRC – Restore Cursor (DEC Private)
DECREPTPARM – Report Terminal Parameters
DECREQTPARM – Request Terminal Parameters
DECSC – Save Cursor (DEC Private)
DECSCLM – Scrolling Mode (DEC Private)
DECSCNM – Screen Mode (DEC Private)
DECSTBM – Set Top and Bottom Margins (DEC Private)
DECSWL – Single-width Line (DEC Private)
DECTST – Invoke Confidence Test
DSR – Device Status Report
ED – Erase In Display
EL – Erase In Line
HTS – Horizontal Tabulation Set
HVP – Horizontal and Vertical Position
IND – Index
LNM – Line Feed/New Line Mode
NEL – Next Line
RI – Reverse Index
RIS – Reset To Initial State
RM – Reset Mode
SCS – Select Character Set
SGR – Select Graphic Rendition
SM – Set Mode
TBC – Tabulation Clear
[Linux console]( "The Linux console was one of the first features of the kernel and was originally written by Linus Torvalds in 1991" History of Linux
state machine for a parser for escape and control sequences, suitable for use in a VT emulator
A parser for DEC’s ANSI-compatible video terminals
Why DEC-compatible, not just ANSI-compatible?
All of DEC’s terminals from the VT100 onward are compatible with
ANSI X3.64-1979, “Additional Controls for Use with American National
Standard Code for Information Interchange”, hereafter referred to just
as X3.64. However, X3.64 defines many implementation-dependent features
and error conditions without defining recovery procedures. A sample of
these is given below; a more detailed treatment appears later.
- Occurrences of characters 00-1F or 7F-FF in an escape sequence or control
sequence is an error condition whose recovery is not specified.
- For control sequences, the maximum length of parameter string is defined
by implementation.
- For control sequences, occurrences of a parameter character after
an intermediate character is an error condition.
- xterm - standard terminal for X11 (X Window System)
- iTerm2
- Alacritty
Terminal emulators that can run inside other terminals
- tmux
- GNU screen
- conection - local or ssh
- TERM env
- colors, fonts, history
msgcat --color=test
awk 'BEGIN{
s="/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\"; s=s s s s s s s s;
for (colnum = 0; colnum<77; colnum++) {
r = 255-(colnum*255/76);
g = (colnum*510/76);
b = (colnum*255/76);
if (g>255) g = 510-g;
printf "\033[48;2;%d;%d;%dm", r,g,b;
printf "\033[38;2;%d;%d;%dm", 255-r,255-g,255-b;
printf "%s\033[0m", substr(s,colnum+1,1);
printf "\n";
- open multiple terminals (windows/tabs)
- login on ssh remotely
- close the session
- reconnect
- one terminal - multiple connection
- use only the keyboard
- session not lost
Summary of terms
Client - Attaches a tmux session from an outside terminal such as
Session - Groups one or more windows together
Window - Groups one or more panes together, linked to one or more
Pane - Contains a terminal and running program, appears in one
Active pane - The pane in the current window where typing is sent; one per
Current window - The window in the attached session where typing is sent;
one per session
Last window - The previous current window
Session name - The name of a session, defaults to a number starting from
Window list - The list of windows in a session in order by number
Window name - The name of a window, defaults to the name of the running
program in the active pane
Window index - The number of a window in a session's window list
Window layout - The size and position of the panes in a window
Tactical tmux: The 10 Most Important Commands
- new session
$ tmux new -s session-name
- detach from a session
- show existing sessions
$ tmux ls
- attach to an esisting session
$ tmux attach -t 0
$ tmux attach -t session-name
- killing a session
$ tmux kill-session -t session-name
| +-------------------------+ +---------------------+|
| | WINDOW | | WINDOW ||
| |+-----------------------+| | ||
| || PANE || | ||
| || || | ||
| || || | ||
| || || | ||
| || || | ||
| |+-----------------------+| | ||
| |+-----------------------+| | ||
| || PANE || | ||
| || || | ||
| || || | ||
| || || | ||
| || || | ||
| |+-----------------------+| | ||
| +-------------------------+ +---------------------+|
insdie tmux 'ctrl-b' shourctcut
- ? get help
Session Management
- s list sessions
- $ rename the current session
- d detach from the current session
- c create a new window
- , rename the current window
- w list windows
- % split horizontally
- " split vertically
- n change to the next window
- p change to the previous window
- 0 to 9 select windows 0 through 9
- % create a horizontal pane
- " create a vertical pane
- h move to the left pane. *
- j move to the pane below *
- l move to the right pane *
- k move to the pane above *
- q show pane numbers
- o toggle between panes
- } swap with next pane
- { swap with previous pane
- ! break the pane out of the window
- x kill the current pane
- default behavior
- Enter ‘copy mode’ by pressing CTRL+b, [.
- Use the arrow keys to go to the position from where you want to start
copying. Press CTRL+SPACE to start copying.
- Use arrow keys to go to the end of text you want to copy.
Press ALT+w or CTRL+w to copy into Tmux buffer.
- Press CTRL+b, ] to paste in a possibly different Tmux pane/window.
- emacs mode default
- vi mode - Copy Mode
Ctrl-b :
:setw -g mode-keys vi
!! Use default config / shortcuts - easy to use on a fresh setup
- on a remote system - the only config: ~/.tmux.conf
set-option -g history-limit 100000
- on the local system
set -g prefix C-z
unbind C-b
set-option -g history-limit 100000
Bash scripts with tmux to launch a 4-paned window
tmux new-session -d -s foo 'exec pfoo'
tmux send-keys 'bundle exec thin start' 'C-m'
tmux rename-window 'Foo'
tmux select-window -t foo:0
tmux split-window -h 'exec pfoo'
tmux send-keys 'bundle exec compass watch' 'C-m'
tmux split-window -v -t 0 'exec pfoo'
tmux send-keys 'rake ts:start' 'C-m'
tmux split-window -v -t 1 'exec pfoo'
tmux -2 attach-session -t foo
Scripting A Tmux Work-space Start-up
# Set Session Name
SESSIONEXISTS=$(tmux list-sessions | grep $SESSION)
# Only create tmux session if it doesn't already exist
if [ "$SESSIONEXISTS" = "" ]
# Start New Session with our name
tmux new-session -d -s $SESSION
# Name first Pane and start zsh
tmux rename-window -t 0 'Main'
tmux send-keys -t 'Main' 'zsh' C-m 'clear' C-m # Switch to bind script?
# Create and setup pane for hugo server
tmux new-window -t $SESSION:1 -n 'Hugo Server'
tmux send-keys -t 'Hugo Server' 'hugo serve -D -F' C-m # Switch to bind script?
# setup Writing window
tmux new-window -t $SESSION:2 -n 'Writing'
tmux send-keys -t 'Writing' "nvim" C-m
# Setup an additional shell
tmux new-window -t $SESSION:3 -n 'Shell'
tmux send-keys -t 'Shell' "zsh" C-m 'clear' C-m
# Attach Session, on the Main window
tmux attach-session -t $SESSION:0
- tmux-resurrect - persists
tmux environment across system restarts - tpm - tmux plugin manager
$ tmux new-session -s shared "tmux new-window -n irc irssi"
$ tmux link-window -s <src-window> -t <dst-window>
$ tmux link-window -s shared:irc -t 9
- shared sessions for code review - tmate
Ctrl-b ?
Tmux Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference
adopt tmux step by step
- 1.1 - start new session
$ tmux new -s session1
- 1.2 - detach session
CTRL+b, d
(keep CTRL+b pressed together and then press d)
- 1.3 - list sessions
$ tmux ls
- 1.4 attach to session
$ tmux attach -t session1
- 2.1 - new window
CTRL+b, c
- 2.2 - move to previous window
CTRL+b, p
- 2.3 - move to the next window
CTRL+b, n
- 2.4 - move to window by number
CTRL+b, <id>
e.g CTRL+b, 0
CTRL+b, 1
- 3.1 - enter copy mode
CTRL+b, [
- 3.2 - navigate to position
option I - use arrows
option II - CTRL+n (next line)
CTRL+p (previous line)
CTRL+a (beggining of line)
CTRL+e (end of line)
CTRL+b (back one character)
CTRL+f (forward one character)
- 3.3 - start copying
navigate to select the text - same as 3.2
- 3.4 - copy selection
ALT+w or CTRL+w
- 3.5 - paste (in a different buffer)
CTRL+b, ]
- 4.1 - Split the current pane into two, left and right
Ctrl+b, %
- 4.2 - Split the current pane into two, top and bottom
Ctrl+b, "
- 4.3 - Kill the current pane
Ctrl+b, x
- 4.4 - navigate panes
Ctrl+b, q - Briefly display pane indexes
Ctrl+b, o - Select the next pane in the current window.
Ctrl+b, Ctrl+o - Rotate the panes in the current window forwards
- 4.5 - Break the current pane out of the window
Ctrl+b, !