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Created September 16, 2015 19:03
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Bookshelf.js 0.8.2 static method inheritance monkey-punching
export default function fixBookShelfES6Inheritance(target) {
// console.log('Fixing:',;
let parentConstructor = Object.getPrototypeOf(target.prototype).constructor;
let parentStaticProperties = Object.keys(parentConstructor);
// console.log('Adding static properties:', parentStaticProperties);
// TODO: Deal with static methods that want to call super() (right now they are REPLACED!)
parentStaticProperties.forEach(propName => target[propName] = parentStaticProperties[propName]);
import BookshelfModelDecorator from './fixBookShelfES6Inheritance';
export default class User extends bookshelf.Model
get tableName() { return 'User'; }
constructor(attr, options) {
super(attr, options);
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