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Created January 2, 2021 02:40
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Working with columns using across
## %######################################################%##
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#### Working with columns with 'across' - Your Turn ####
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## %######################################################%##
# Load the midwest data bundled with ggplot2
# Keep only rows for Ohio (OH)
# Subset the 'county' column and all columns that match the string 'pop' (hint: use a selection helper)
# Square-root transform all numeric variables
# load packages -----------------------------------------------------------
# load data ---------------------------------------------------------------
# subset rows and columns -------------------------------------------------
midwest %>%
filter(state == "OH") %>%
select(county, matches("pop"))
# transform multiple variables --------------------------------------------
midwest %>%
filter(state == "OH") %>%
select(county, matches("pop")) %>%
mutate(across(where(is.numeric), sqrt))
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