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Created June 28, 2021 20:40
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regex in R yt
# #
#### Regex in R - Your Turn ####
# #
# Match the following regular expressions against the test vector below using `str_detect`.
## Can you explain the matches?
# Regular expressions
# 1. ^dog
# 2. ^[a-z]+$
# 3. \\d
test_vector <- c("Those dogs are small.","dogs and cats",
# load packages -----------------------------------------------------------
# create text string ------------------------------------------------------
test_vector <- c("Those dogs are small.","dogs and cats",
# evaluate if each element contains a match -------------------------------
# match the literal string dog
str_detect(test_vector,"^dog") # second element contains match
# match lowercase
str_detect(test_vector,"^[a-z]+$") # elements 5,6,7, and 10 matched
# match numbers
str_detect(test_vector,"\\d") # elements 3,4, and 9 matched
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