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Forked from praeclarum/EasyLayoutExample.cs
Created July 3, 2014 19:01
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ContentView.ConstrainLayout (() =>
border.Frame.Top == ContentView.Frame.Top &&
border.Frame.Height == 0.5f &&
border.Frame.Left == ContentView.Frame.Left &&
border.Frame.Right == ContentView.Frame.Right &&
nameLabel.Frame.Left == ContentView.Frame.Left + hpad &&
nameLabel.Frame.Right == ContentView.Frame.GetMidX () - 5.5f &&
nameLabel.Frame.Top >= ContentView.Frame.Top + vpad &&
nameLabel.Frame.Bottom <= ContentView.Frame.Bottom - vpad &&
nameLabel.Frame.GetMidY () == ContentView.Frame.GetMidY () &&
gestureView.Frame.Left <= ContentView.Frame.GetMidX () - 22 &&
gestureView.Frame.Right >= scalarLabel.Frame.Right + 22 &&
gestureView.Frame.Width >= 88 &&
gestureView.Frame.Top == ContentView.Frame.Top &&
gestureView.Frame.Bottom == ContentView.Frame.Bottom &&
scalarLabel.Frame.Bottom == ContentView.Frame.Bottom - vpad &&
scalarLabel.Frame.Left == nameLabel.Frame.Right + 11 &&
scalarLabel.Frame.Right <= ContentView.Frame.Right - hpad &&
scalarLabel.Frame.GetMidY () == ContentView.Frame.GetMidY () &&
unitsLabel.Frame.Left == scalarLabel.Frame.Right + 1 &&
unitsLabel.Frame.GetBaseline () == scalarLabel.Frame.GetBaseline ()
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