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Created April 21, 2014 20:21
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Save luisgerhorst/11155269 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Improved dijkstra algorithm in Haskell.
Command-line: ./dijkstra graph.txt startNode endNode
Haskell: dijkstra startNode endNode aGraph
Works with any directed edge-weighted graph.
Graph File Structure:
Node ConnectedNode DistanceToConnectedNode ConnectedNode DistanceToConnectedNode ...
Node ...
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Maybe
import System.Environment
type Node = String
type Distance = Int
type Path = (Distance, [Node])
data Way = Way Path | Visited deriving (Ord, Eq)
type Ways = Map.Map Node Way
type Connections = Map.Map Node Distance
type Graph = Map.Map Node Connections
main = do
[graphFilePath, startNode, endNode] <- getArgs
graphString <- readFile graphFilePath
let graph = parseGraphString graphString
print $ dijkstra startNode endNode graph
parseGraphString :: String -> Graph
parseGraphString s = foldl parseGraphStringLine Map.empty $ lines s
parseGraphStringLine :: Graph -> String -> Graph
parseGraphStringLine g l = Map.insert (head w) (parseConnectionsList Map.empty $ tail w) g where w = words l
parseConnectionsList :: Connections -> [String] -> Connections
parseConnectionsList c [] = c
parseConnectionsList c (n:dS:xs) = parseConnectionsList (Map.insert n (read dS) c) xs
dijkstra :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Maybe [Node]
dijkstra s e g = fmap reverse $ find s e g ws
where ws = Map.singleton s (Way (0,[s]))
find :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Ways -> Maybe [Node]
find n e g ws | n == e =
let (Just (Way (_, ns))) = Map.lookup e ws
in Just ns
find n e g ws = do
connections <- Map.lookup n g
let complementedWs = complement ws n connections
newWs = Map.insert n Visited complementedWs
nextN <- nearest newWs
find nextN e g newWs
complement :: Ways -> Node -> Connections -> Ways
complement ws n connections =
Map.foldWithKey (complementWay (fromWay $ fromJust $ Map.lookup n ws)) ws connections
complementWay :: Path -> Node -> Distance -> Ways -> Ways
complementWay gonePath n d ws
| w == Nothing ||
(fromJust w /= Visited &&
newP < (fromWay $ fromJust w)) = Map.insert n (Way newP) ws
where w = Map.lookup n ws
newP = connect gonePath n d
complementWay _ _ _ ws = ws
connect :: Path -> Node -> Distance -> Path
connect (ds, ns) n d = (ds + d, n:ns)
nearest :: Ways -> Maybe Node
nearest ws =
case filter (\(w,_) -> w /= Visited) $ map swap $ Map.toList ws of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> Just $ snd $ minimum xs
fromWay :: Way -> Path
fromWay (Way p) = p
A0 A1 50
B0 B1 10
A1 A0 50 B1 30 A2 5
B1 B0 10 A1 30 B2 90
A2 A1 5 B2 20 A3 40
B2 B1 90 A2 20 B3 2
A3 A2 40 B3 25 A4 10
B3 B2 2 A3 25
A4 A3 10
B4 A0 500
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