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Created August 28, 2024 07:36
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Overview of eBPF: Bytecode -> Verifier -> JIT -> Execution
# License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International), Copyright 2024 Luis Gerhorst
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, calc, positioning, patterns}
\definecolor{nBlue}{RGB}{144, 167, 198}
\definecolor{nLightBlue}{RGB}{221, 229, 240}
\definecolor{nLightYellow}{RGB}{243, 238, 223}
\definecolor{nYellow}{RGB}{217, 198, 137}
% Vibrant color scheme from
\definecolor{Blue}{RGB}{0,119,187} % vibrant
\definecolor{Yellow}{RGB}{221,170,51} % high contrast
actor/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=Gray!20, text centered, minimum height=2em, minimum width=7em, thick, font={\sffamily}, anchor=south west},
connection/.style={->, thick}
% \draw[step=1em,Gray,thin] (-2em,0) grid (34em,15em);
\draw[dashed,thick,draw=DarkGray] (-1em,8em) node[color=DarkGray,anchor=north west,rotate=90] {Userspace} node[color=DarkGray,anchor=north east,rotate=90] {Kernel} -- (33em,8em);
\node[actor, minimum width=0em] at (1em,10em) (source) {Source};
\node[actor, fill=nLightGreen, minimum height=4em, minimum width=23em] at (9em,9em) (app) {Application};
\node[actor] at (10em,10em) (bytecode) {Bytecode};
\draw[connection] (source) -> (bytecode) node [midway, above, xshift=-0.5em] {\footnotesize Compiler};
\node[actor, fill=nLightBlue] at (10em,4em) (verifier) {Verifier};
\draw[connection] (bytecode) -> (verifier) node [midway, right, yshift=-1em] {\footnotesize \texttt{bpf()} Syscall};
\node[actor] at (10em,0) (jit) {JIT Compiler};
\draw[connection] (verifier) -> (jit) node [midway, right] {\footnotesize Safe Bytecode};
\node[actor, minimum width=9em, fill=nLightYellow] at (23em,0) (ebpf) {eBPF Program};
\draw[connection] (jit) -> (ebpf) node [midway, above] {\footnotesize Machine Code};
\node[actor, minimum width=4em] at (23em,4em) (events) {Events};
\draw[connection] (events) -> (25em,2em) node [midway, left] {\footnotesize Call};
\node[actor, minimum width=4em] at (28em,4em) (maps) {Maps};
\draw[connection] (30em,2em) -> (maps) node [midway, left] {\footnotesize Helpers};
\draw[connection] (30em,9em) -> (maps) node [midway, left, yshift=-0.5em] {\footnotesize Syscalls};
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Screenshot from 2024-08-28 09-35-44

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