This line comes from the test code, right before the function is executed.
Type of tuple in test code Tuple(type(CPUDispatcher(<function TestBasicSubtyping.test_basic4.<locals>.foo1 at 0x7fdc32df7400>)), type(CPUDispatcher(<function TestBasicSubtyping.test_basic4.<locals>.foo2 at 0x7fdc32df7488>))) code: 1566
This line comes from _intern
. the tuple is created and assigned 1568 as typecode
Creating new tuple
Type: Tuple(type(CPUDispatcher(<function TestBasicSubtyping.test_basic4.<locals>.foo1 at 0x7fdc32df7400>)), type(CPUDispatcher(<function TestBasicSubtyping.test_basic4.<locals>.foo2 at 0x7fdc32df7488>)))
id: 140583722982144