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Created May 25, 2023 20:51
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Add HTTP security headers in WordPress
function add_security_headers($headers) {
// Add X-XSS-Protection header
$headers['X-XSS-Protection'] = '1; mode=block';
// Add X-Content-Type-Options header
$headers['X-Content-Type-Options'] = 'nosniff';
// Add X-Frame-Options header
$headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'SAMEORIGIN';
// Add Content-Security-Policy header
$headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data:; font-src 'self';";
// Add Strict-Transport-Security header
$headers['Strict-Transport-Security'] = 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload';
return $headers;
add_filter('wp_headers', 'add_security_headers');
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lukecav commented May 25, 2023

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lukecav commented May 25, 2023

This code snippet adds the following security headers:

X-XSS-Protection: Enables the browser's Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) filter.
X-Content-Type-Options: Prevents MIME type sniffing.
X-Frame-Options: Restricts the site from being displayed within a frame.
Content-Security-Policy: Defines a content security policy to restrict resource loading.
Strict-Transport-Security: Enforces the use of HTTPS by instructing the browser to always access the site via a secure connection.

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