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Created July 3, 2024 07:52
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Download google maps tiles for a given bbox (WSEN). Data is returned as a geolocated xarray.DataArray
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import rioxarray as rxr
from loguru import logger
from pygeotile.tile import Tile
__package__ = __file__.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
f"Note that you can only use `{__package__}` for non-commercial "
"visualizations and NOT for computations and bulk downloads. ")
class GoogleTile(Tile):
Base class that represents a Google Maps tile based on the pygeotile.Tile class.
In this package you should use the parent class `GoogleScene` to download and
visualize regions.
def __new__(cls, *args, map_layer='s', **kwargs):
self = super(GoogleTile, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
self.TILE_SIZE = 256
self.shape = self.TILE_SIZE, self.TILE_SIZE
self.x =[0]
self.y =[1]
self.map_layer = map_layer
self._xr = None
self._image = None
self._data = None
return self
def set_layer(self, layer='s'):
self._url = self._get_url_for_layer(layer)
self.url = self._url.format(x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.zoom)
def _get_url_for_layer(self, layer='s'):
__doc__ = """
Returns a URL for a Google Maps tile.
layer : str
The layer to use. Valid values are:
s: Google Satellite
y: Google Satellite Hybrid
p: Google Terrain Hybrid
t: Google Terrain
Invalid that exist, but do not work for this package:
m: Google Maps
h: Google Roads
l = layer.lower()
valid = '\n' + '\n'.join(__doc__.split('\n')[7:10])
assert l in 'syp', f"Invalid layer: {layer}, valid layers are {valid}"
# map tile number to subdomain
d = 0 if l in 'msy' else 1
url = f"https://mt{d}{l}&x={{x}}&y={{y}}&z={{z}}"
return url
def bbox(self):
lower_left = self.bounds[0]
upper_right = self.bounds[1]
bbox_WSEN = [
lower_left.longitude, lower_left.latitude,
upper_right.longitude, upper_right.latitude]
return bbox_WSEN
def image(self):
if self._image is None:
self._image = self.get_image()
return self._image
def data(self):
if self._data is None:
self._data = self.get_data()
return self._data
def xr(self):
if self._xr is None:
self._xr = self.get_dataarray()
return self._xr
def lat(self):
y0 = self.y * self.TILE_SIZE
y1 = y0 + self.TILE_SIZE
x = self.x * self.TILE_SIZE + self.TILE_SIZE // 2
pixel_range = np.arange(y0, y1, dtype=float)
lats = self._from_pixel_loc_to_latlng(x, pixel_range, self.zoom)[0]
return lats
def lon(self):
x0 = self.x * self.TILE_SIZE
x1 = x0 + self.TILE_SIZE
y = self.y * self.TILE_SIZE + self.TILE_SIZE // 2
pixel_range = np.arange(x0, x1, dtype=float)
lons = self._from_pixel_loc_to_latlng(pixel_range, y, self.zoom)[1]
return lons
def _download_url_to_bytes(url):
import requests
from io import BytesIO
response = requests.get(url)
io = BytesIO(response.content)
return io
def get_resolution_from_bbox_and_shape(bbox, shape):
from rasterio.transform import from_bounds
x, y = shape[:2]
transform = from_bounds(*bbox, x, y)
res = abs(transform[0])
return res
def get_image(self):
from PIL import Image
file_obj = self._download_url_to_bytes(self.url)
image =
return image
def get_data(self):
image = self.get_image()
data = np.array(image)
return data
def _from_pixel_loc_to_latlng(self, x, y, zoom):
import math
pixels_per_lon_degree = self.TILE_SIZE / 360.0
pixels_per_lon_radian = self.TILE_SIZE / (2 * math.pi)
x0 = self.TILE_SIZE / 2.0
y0 = self.TILE_SIZE / 2.0
num_tiles = 1 << zoom
x /= num_tiles
y /= num_tiles
lon = (x - x0) / pixels_per_lon_degree
lat_radians = (y - y0) / -pixels_per_lon_radian
lat = np.rad2deg(2 * np.arctan(np.exp(lat_radians)) - np.pi / 2)
return lat, lon
def get_dataarray(self):
data = self.get_data()
da = xr.DataArray(
dims=["y", "x", "band"],
"x": self.lon,
"band": "r g b".split(),
).transpose("band", "y", "x")
da = (
return da
class GoogleScene:
def __init__(self, bbox, load=False, max_pixels=2048, map_layer='s'):
Get geolocated data from Google Maps in an xr.DataArray.
bbox : list
A list of 4 floats representing the bounding box in WSEN order.
load : bool
If True, the data will be downloaded and loaded into memory on initialization.
Otherwise, the data will be downloaded when the `xr` attribute is accessed.
max_pixels : int
a rough limit on the image size. note that images are often larger or smaller
than this limit since we use the mean of the bbox to calculate the zoom level.
map_layer : str
The map layer to use. Valid values are:
s: Google Satellite (default)
y: Google Satellite Hybrid
p: Google Terrain Hybrid
t: Google Terrain (not recommended)
>>> bbox = [8.29, 47.26, 8.75, 47.50]
>>> scene = GoogleScene(bbox, load=True)
>>> scene # plots map in Jupyter notebook or shows info in console
self.bbox = bbox
self.max_pixels = max_pixels
self.map_layer = map_layer
self._data = None
self._xr = None
self._zoom_res = self._get_zoom_level_resolution()
self.zoom = self._get_zoom_level()
self._tiles = None
if load:
_ = self.xr
def tiles(self):
if self._tiles is None:
self._tiles = self.get_tiles()
return self._tiles
def xr(self):
if self._xr is None:
self._xr = self._get_dataarray()
return self._xr
def data(self):
if self._data is None:
self._data =
return self._data
def plot(self, ax=None, dpi=100, **kwargs):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
da = self.xr
if ax is None:
ry, rx = da.y.size, da.x.size
pixel_ratio = ry / rx
width = 10
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(width, width * pixel_ratio), dpi=dpi)
fig = ax.get_figure()
props = dict()
da.plot.imshow(ax=ax, **props)
ax.set_position([0, 0, 1, 1])
return fig, ax
def _get_zoom_level_resolution(self):
zoom_levels = range(20)
res_m = {}
for z in zoom_levels:
tile = GoogleTile.for_latitude_longitude(0, 0, z)
bbox = tile.bbox
res_deg = GoogleTile.get_resolution_from_bbox_and_shape(bbox, (256, 256))
res_m[z] = res_deg * 111139
return res_m
def _get_zoom_level(self):
dx = abs(self.bbox[2] - self.bbox[0])
dy = abs(self.bbox[3] - self.bbox[1])
bbox_size_m = max(dx, dy) * 111139
for z, res in self._zoom_res.items():
n_pixels_in_bbox_at_res = bbox_size_m / res
if n_pixels_in_bbox_at_res > self.max_pixels:
return z
def get_tiles(self):
zoom = 19 if self.zoom is None else self.zoom
west, south, east, north = self.bbox
ll = GoogleTile.for_latitude_longitude(south, west, zoom)
ur = GoogleTile.for_latitude_longitude(north, east, zoom)
x0, x1 = min(ll.x, ur.x), max(ll.x, ur.x)
y0, y1 = min(ll.y, ur.y), max(ll.y, ur.y)
x_range = range(x0, x1 + 1)
y_range = range(y0, y1 + 1)
self.n_xtiles = len(x_range)
self.n_ytiles = len(y_range)
tiles = []
for x in x_range:
for y in y_range:
tile = GoogleTile.from_google(x, y, zoom)
tiles += tile,
return tiles
def _parallel_tile_download(self, tiles, n_jobs=12):
import joblib
func = joblib.delayed(lambda tile: tile.xr)
tasks = [func(tile) for tile in tiles]
_ = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=0, backend='threading')(tasks)
def _get_dataarray(self):
n_tiles = len(self.tiles)
n_jobs = min(24, n_tiles)"Downloading {n_tiles} tiles with {n_jobs} jobs")
self._parallel_tile_download(self.tiles, n_jobs=n_jobs)
da_list = [tile.xr for tile in self.tiles]"Combining tiles with xarray.combine_by_coords")
da = xr.combine_by_coords(da_list)
da = da.sortby("y").sortby("x")
da = da.sel(
x=slice(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[2]),
y=slice(self.bbox[1], self.bbox[3]))
return da
def _repr_html_(self):
if self._xr is None:
def __repr__(self):
n_tiles = len(self.tiles)
if self._xr is None:
tile_shape = self.tiles[0].shape
y, x = self.n_ytiles * tile_shape[1], self.n_xtiles * tile_shape[0]
xy_str = f"[x<={x}, y<={y}]"
y, x = self.xr.y.size, self.xr.x.size
xy_str = f"[x={x}, y={y}]"
return f"GoogleScene(bbox={self.bbox}, shape={xy_str}, zoom={self.zoom}, n_tiles={n_tiles})"
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