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Last active October 20, 2024 15:50
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Shallow clone all tables to another schema in a Databricks environment
Use-case: automate clones in Databricks for dev testing similar to Snowflake's zero-copy clone.
This doesn't use the Catalog API as that may rely on cred passthrough
` method ... is not whitelisted on class org.apache.spark.sql.catalog.Table`
prefixes = ["layer_a", "layer_b"] # prefix matching on schemas to copy over for layers
def get_git_branch() -> str:
"""Generated for this example"""
import uuid; return uuid.uuid4().hex.upper()[0:7] # would come from git
def copy_template(source: str, dest: str) -> str:
# `show tables` doesn't show all tables in all schemas, at least for me, hence the need to `show databases` first
schemas = [row["databaseName"] for row in spark.sql("show databases").collect()]
schemas_to_copy = list(filter(lambda schema: schema.lower().startswith(tuple(prefixes)), schemas))
git_branch = get_git_branch()
for schema in schemas_to_copy:
rows = spark.sql(f"show tables in {schema}").collect()
mappings = [(f"{schema}.{row['tableName']}", f"{git_branch}_{schema}.{row['tableName']}") for row in rows]
copy_statements = [copy_template(source, dest) for (source, dest) in mappings]
for s in copy_statements:
print(s) # or `spark.sql(s)` to execute
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