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Created April 13, 2015 09:47
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Hash Table ADS
int hash (int table_size, char* data)
unsigned h = 0, g;
int len = strlen (data);
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
h = ( h << 4 ) + data[i];
g = h & 0xf0000000L;
if ( g != 0 )
h ^= g >> 24;
h &= ~g;
return (h % table_size);
// Luke Mitchell lm0466
// Principles of programming CW2
// Hash table/Linked list assignment
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "hash.h"
/* Helper functions not exposed in header file */
// creates an array of linked lists of specified size
// and initilises them all to NULL
// returns pointer to the array or NULL if insufficient memory
list** create_table (int size)
int i;
list** l;
// allocate memory for the array
l = calloc (size, sizeof(list));
// initialise each list to NULL
// assuming we were able to allocate enough memory
if (l)
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
l[i] = NULL;
// return the list, or NULL, if OOM
return l;
// resizes the table in h to specified size
// also rehashes the existing occupants and adds them to the new table
// returns 0 if successful, with h->table resized
// returns -1 if not, leaving h->table intact
int resize_table (hashtable* h, int size)
int i, old_size;
list** old_table;
list** new_table;
list* l;
// copy pointer to old table
old_table = h->table;
old_size = h->size;
// ask for enough memory for the new table
new_table = calloc (size, sizeof (list));
// was memory allocated?
if (!new_table)
return -1; // no, return failure
// modify the pointer in the structure to point
// to the new table
h->table = new_table;
h->size = size;
h->in_use = 0;
// add each existing element to the new table
// and free the old memory
for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++)
// does a list exist
l = old_table[i];
if (l)
list_reset (l);
// add each item in the list
hashtable_add_node (h, l->current->data, l->current->count);
} while (list_advance (l) != -1);
list_destroy (l);
// free memory from old table
free (old_table);
// and return success
return 0;
// this function contains an array of prime numbers to be used for size of table
// i'm aware that this isn't a truly dynamic approach however i feel that
// that implementing a 'proper' find next prime function may be beyond
// the scope of this assignment. another method would be to include
// a file with a list of prime numbers to use.
// returns a prime number of greater or lesser value than the specified 'current' value
// this is dependant upon the value of 'higher'
// when higher is 1, the function returns the next prime in the list
// when higher is not 1, the function returns the previous value
// returns the new value on success, or the old one on failure
int adjacent_prime (int current, int higher)
int i;
// the slightly sporadic nature of this list is due to desiring
// a change of ~50% over the previous value for each element
const int primes[21] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 19, 29, 37, 53, 79,
127, 211, 311, 457, 683, 1013, 1499,
2207, 3329, 4451, 6709};
for (i = 0; i < 21; i++)
if (primes[i] == current)
if (higher == 1)
return primes[++i];
return primes[--i];
// another prime cannot be found, return previous
return current;
// returns the next prime number in the list after 'previous'
// returns the same number, 'previous', if the end of the list is reached.
int next_prime (int previous)
return adjacent_prime (previous, 1);
// returns the prime number in the list before 'previous'
// returns the same number, 'previous', if the start of the list is reached.
int previous_prime (int previous)
return adjacent_prime (previous, 0);
// rotates an integer, h, by n bits
// this uses the 'barrel shift' method
unsigned int rotate_left (unsigned int h, int n)
return ((h << n) ^ (h >> ((sizeof(unsigned int) * 8) - n)));
// takes a string, data, and hashes it to produce an integer key
// performs a 'rotated XOR hash'
// i.e. the ASCII value of each character is XOR'd with a rotated
// XOR of each of the previous characters.
// the value is then modulo'd with the table size (table_size)
// to ensure it does not exceed the maximum key value
int hash (int table_size, char* data)
int i;
unsigned int hash_value = 0;
while ((i = *data++))
// rotate by 5 bits each time
hash_value = rotate_left (hash_value, 5);
// XOR ASCII value
hash_value ^= i;
// perform modulo operation
return (hash_value % table_size);
/* Abstract Data Structure functions */
// adds a new node to the hashtable, h, with the data specified, data and count,
// returns the call to list_add_node (see list.c)
int hashtable_add_node (hashtable* h, char* data, int count)
// does the table need resizing?
float empty = (h->size - h->in_use);
float utilised = (1 - (empty / h->size)) * 100; // note that empty is float to ensure fp divis
if (utilised >= h->threshold)
resize_table (h, next_prime (h->size));
// compute the hash for the data
int hash_value = hash (h->size, data);
// does a list for this key exist?
if (!h->table[hash_value])
// no, create one
h->table[hash_value] = list_create ();
// increment in-use counter
return list_add_node (h->table[hash_value], data, count);
// removes a node from the hashtable, h, where the node contains specified data
// returns 0 on success, -1 on failure (not found)
int hashtable_remove_node (hashtable* h, char* data)
list* l;
// does the table need resizing?
float empty = (h->size - h->in_use);
float utilised = (1 - (empty / h->size)) * 100; // note that empty is float to ensure fp divis
// we use (100 - threshold)% as the lower bound
if (utilised <= (100 - h->threshold))
resize_table (h, previous_prime (h->size));
// compute the hash value
int hash_value = hash (h->size, data);
// find the node in the table
node* n = hashtable_search (h, data);
if (!n)
return -1; // not found
// remove the node from the list
l = h->table[hash_value];
list_remove_node (l, n);
// check whether the list is empty
if (l->size == 0)
// empty, free the memory
free (l);
// and decrement in-use counter
// return success
return 0;
// returns the number of comparisons taken to retrieve the
// specified data from the hashtable, h.
// returns 0 for 'not found'
int hashtable_get_comparisons (hashtable* h, char* data)
// compute the hash value and get the list location
int hash_value = hash (h->size, data);
list* l = h->table[hash_value];
// if the list is NULL, return so
if (!l)
return 0;
// search the list for the data
return list_get_comparisons (l, data);
// function to search the hashtable, h, for specified data
// returns the list node for the data specified
// returns NULL for 'not found'
node* hashtable_search (hashtable* h, char* data)
// compute the hash value and get the list location
int hash_value = hash (h->size, data);
list* l = h->table[hash_value];
// if the list is NULL, return so
if (!l)
return NULL;
// return the value for list_search
// this is the node if found, or NULL if not
return list_search (l, data);
// create a new hashtable
// allocates memory for a table and initialises
// to an initial size, declared in hash.h
hashtable* hashtable_create (void)
hashtable* h = malloc (sizeof (hashtable));
// fill in the initial values for size and threshold fields
// initialise the in-use counter to 0
h->in_use = 0;
// allocate some memory for the table
h->table = create_table (h->size);
// return pointer to the hashtable structure
return h;
// destroys the specified hashtable and frees all memory used by it
void hashtable_destroy (hashtable* h)
// iterator
int i;
// destroy each list in the table, if it exists
for (i = 0; i < h->size; i++)
if (h->table[i])
list_destroy (h->table[i]);
// free memory from table
free (h->table);
// and free the memory from the structure itself
free (h);
// Luke Mitchell lm0466
// Principles of programming CW2
// Hash table/Linked list assignment
#ifndef HASH_H
#define HASH_H
// See
#include "list.h"
// define the intial size for a hashtable
// define the percentage utilisation threshold to be reached before resizing the table
// data structure representing a hashtable
typedef struct {
int size; // the size of the table
int threshold; // the threshold (%) at which the table size will be expanded
int in_use; // number of entries with data
list** table;
} hashtable;
// add/remove nodes
int hashtable_add_node (hashtable*, char*, int);
int hashtable_remove_node (hashtable*, char*);
// search table and get comparisons from search
int hashtable_get_comparisons (hashtable*, char*);
node* hashtable_search (hashtable*, char*);
// ctor and dtor
hashtable* hashtable_create (void);
void hashtable_destroy (hashtable*);
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