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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Binary Tree ADS
* Principles of programming, coursework 1 [100%]
* Luke Mitchell - lm0466
* 08/12/2011
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "tree.h"
#define DEBUG
#undef DEBUG
/* Data specific procedures */
// finds the node with n as the name
// returns null on failure
tree_node_t* search_tree (tree_t *t, phonebook_entry_t *n)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("SEARCH_TREE: checking for empty tree\r\n");
// ensure tree is not empty
if (t->curr == NULL)
return NULL;
char *nname;
char *tname;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("SEARCH_TREE: resetting tree\r\n");
// reset the tree to the root node
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("SEARCH_TREE: Uppercasing \'%s\'...", n->name);
// uppercase the string we're searching for
nname = calloc (1, (strlen(n->name) + 1));
strcpy (nname, n->name);
string_uppercase (nname);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("ok\r\n");
while (1) // somewhere in this loop the nname data gets junk appended to it
// allocate some memory
// calloc zeros this
tname = calloc (1, (strlen(t->curr->data->name) + 1));
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("SEARCH_TREE: Uppercasing \'%s\'...", t->curr->data->name);
strcpy (tname, t->curr->data->name);
string_uppercase (tname);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("ok\r\n");
printf ("SEARCH_TREE: looking for \'%s\', current node value is \'%s\'\r\n", nname, tname);
if (less_than(nname, tname))
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("SEARCH_TREE: \'%s\' is less than \'%s\'\r\n", nname, tname);
if (advance_tree_left (t))
if (greater_than(nname, tname))
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("SEARCH_TREE: \'%s\' is greater than \'%s\'\r\n", nname, tname);
if (advance_tree_right (t))
if (equal_to(nname, tname))
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("SEARCH_TREE: \'%s\' is equal to \'%s\'\r\n", nname, tname);
return t->curr;
free (tname);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("SEARCH_TREE: couldn't find \'%s\'\r\n", n->name);
return NULL;
// See search_tree, but using a char instead of phone_entry_t
tree_node_t* search_tree_for_name (tree_t *t, char *n)
tree_node_t* tn;
phonebook_entry_t* pe = malloc (sizeof(phonebook_entry_t));
strcpy (pe->name, n);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("SEARCH_TREE_FOR_NAME: calling search_tree\r\n");
tn = search_tree (t, pe);
free (pe);
return tn;
// Adds a node to the tree, with the data specified
void add_tree_node (tree_t *t, phonebook_entry_t *data)
tree_node_t* n = malloc (sizeof(tree_node_t));
n->data = data;
n->left = NULL;
n->right = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("ADD_TREE_NODE: adding node with name \'%s\' and a number \'%s\'\r\n", n->data->name, n->data->number.start->data);
tree_reset (t);
// first node added?
if (t->root == NULL)
t->root = n;
while (1)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("ADD_TREE_NODE: current node is \'%s\'\r\n", t->curr->data->name);
if (greater_than (data->name, t->curr->data->name))
if (t->curr->right == NULL)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("ADD_TREE_NODE: adding node to the right\r\n");
t->curr->right = n;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("ADD_TREE_NODE: advancing node to the right\r\n");
advance_tree_right (t);
else // less than or equal to
if (t->curr->left == NULL)
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("ADD_TREE_NODE: adding node to the left\r\n");
t->curr->left = n;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf ("ADD_TREE_NODE: advancing node to the left\r\n");
advance_tree_left (t);
n->parent = t->curr;
t->curr = n;
// Returns 1 on equal to,
// returns 0 on !equal to
int equal_to (char* a, char* b)
return (strcmp (a, b) == 0) ? 1 : 0;
// Returns 1 on less than
// returns 0 on greater than or equal to
int less_than (char *a, char *b)
return (strcmp (a, b) < 0) ? 1 : 0;
// Returns 1 on greater than
// returns 0 on less than or equal to
int greater_than (char *a, char *b)
return (strcmp (a, b) > 0) ? 1 : 0;
/* Data independant procedures */
// Creates an empty tree
// returns a pointer to it
tree_t* create_tree ()
tree_t* t = malloc (sizeof(tree_t));
t->root = NULL;
t->curr = NULL;
return t;
// Destroys a tree
// and frees all the memory from the nodes
void destroy_tree (tree_t *t)
// free tree nodes
// todo
// 1 advance left until leaf
// 2 remove leaf
// 3 retreat to parent
// 4 advance right if possible
// 5 go to (1)
// free tree itself
free (t);
// Determines if node n is a leaf (no left and right pointer)
// returns 1 on leaf, 0 on not leaf
int is_leaf (tree_node_t *n)
return (n->left == NULL && n->right == NULL) ? 1 : 0;
// Resets the current pointer to the root node
void tree_reset (tree_t *t)
t->curr = t->root;
// Removes a node from the tree
// does nothing if n isn't found
void rem_tree_node (tree_t *t, tree_node_t *n)
// is n in t?
if (search_tree (t, n->data) == NULL)
// is n a root node
if (n->parent == NULL)
if (is_leaf (n))
// root node of an otherwise empty tree
t->root = NULL;
t->curr = NULL;
// rearrange somehow
// todo
// leaf?
if (is_leaf (n))
if (n->parent->left == n)
n->parent->left = NULL;
n->parent->right = NULL;
if (n->parent->left == n)
n->parent->left = n->left;
n->parent->right = n->right;
free (n);
// Advances the current pointer to the left
// returns 0 on success, -1 when a a node with no ->left is reached
int advance_tree_left (tree_t *t)
if (t->curr->left == NULL)
return -1;
t->curr = t->curr->left;
return 0;
// Advances the current pointer to the right
// returns 0 on success, -1 when a node with no ->right is reached
int advance_tree_right (tree_t *t)
if (t->curr->right == NULL)
return -1;
t->curr = t->curr->right;
return 0;
// Retreats the current pointer to the previous node
// returns 0 on success, -1 when the root is reached
int retreat_tree (tree_t *t)
if (t->curr->parent == t->root)
return -1;
t->curr = t->curr->parent;
return 0;
/* Misc. procedures */
// Converts a char array to uppercase
void string_uppercase (char* str)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (strlen(str) + 1); i++)
str[i] = toupper (str[i]);
* Principles of programming, coursework 1 [100%]
* Luke Mitchell - lm0466
* 08/12/2011
#ifndef TREE_H
#define TREE_H
// See
#include "list.h"
#define MAX_STR_LENGTH 32
// data type
typedef struct phonebook_entry {
char name[MAX_STR_LENGTH];
list number;
} phonebook_entry_t;
typedef struct tree_node {
phonebook_entry_t *data; // Data specific member
struct tree_node *parent, *left, *right;
} tree_node_t;
typedef struct tree {
tree_node_t *root;
tree_node_t *curr;
} tree_t;
// Data-specific procedures
tree_node_t* search_tree (tree_t *, phonebook_entry_t *);
tree_node_t* search_tree_for_name (tree_t *, char *);
void add_tree_node (tree_t *, phonebook_entry_t *);
int equal_to (char *, char *);
int less_than (char *, char *);
int greater_than (char *, char *);
// Data-independant procedures
tree_t* create_tree ();
void destroy_tree (tree_t *);
void tree_reset (tree_t *t);
void rem_tree_node (tree_t *, tree_node_t *);
int advance_tree_left (tree_t *);
int advance_tree_right (tree_t *);
int retreat_tree (tree_t *);
// Misc procedures
void string_uppercase (char *);
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