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Last active August 29, 2024 14:19
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My helix config plus commands I use every day in my Helix / Flutter workflows
# helix
function hx-find(){
hx $(ag . | fzf | cut -d : -f 1,2)
# general
function notes(){
hx ~/Documents/
function config-open(){
hx ~/.zshrc
function config-reload(){
source ~/.zshrc
echo "Reloaded ~/.zshrc"
# flutter
function flutter-watch(){
tmux new-session \;\
send-keys 'flutter run --pid-file=/tmp/' Enter \;\
split-window -v \;\
send-keys 'npx -y nodemon -e dart -x "cat /tmp/ | xargs kill -s USR1"' Enter \;\
resize-pane -y 5 -t 1 \;\
select-pane -t 0 \;
function flutter-coverage(){
flutter test --coverage
genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html
open coverage/html/index.html
# git
function gh-repo(){
gh repo view -w
function gh-pr(){
gh pr view -w
function gh-prune(){
npx -y @teppeis/git-delete-squashed


brew install helix
brew install lazygit
brew install the_silver_searcher # ag
brew install fzf
theme = "tokyonight_storm"
line-number = "relative"
mouse = false
rulers = [80]
shell = ["zsh", "-c"]
C-p = ["move_line_up", "scroll_up"]
C-n = ["move_line_down", "scroll_down"]
esc = ["collapse_selection", "keep_primary_selection"]
insert = "bar"
normal = "block"
select = "underline"
hidden = false
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