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Top python pypi modules, by downloads
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# Ever wondered which modules are the most popular? Well.. here they are. The top 500 PyPI modules, by download | |
urllib3, 910195765 | |
six, 749120890 | |
botocore, 670113460 | |
python-dateutil, 629757389 | |
pip, 629606070 | |
requests, 626954494 | |
s3transfer, 595019137 | |
certifi, 570148733 | |
idna, 542241710 | |
pyyaml, 534393540 | |
pyasn1, 531342983 | |
docutils, 518080177 | |
chardet, 516892347 | |
rsa, 502956749 | |
jmespath, 480905080 | |
setuptools, 410856025 | |
pytz, 410196551 | |
awscli, 397671253 | |
futures, 392932234 | |
colorama, 375594752 | |
simplejson, 346035749 | |
boto3, 337185380 | |
numpy, 305750769 | |
wheel, 304101394 | |
protobuf, 264199809 | |
markupsafe, 244941990 | |
cffi, 242351858 | |
jinja2, 214070466 | |
pyasn1-modules, 212238740 | |
cryptography, 210982876 | |
attrs, 190156825 | |
cachetools, 182755695 | |
google-api-core, 178075863 | |
enum34, 177966855 | |
click, 173568874 | |
future, 168990924 | |
google-auth, 168313449 | |
pandas, 165064404 | |
grpcio, 161184509 | |
google-cloud-core, 153694077 | |
pycparser, 152780068 | |
googleapis-common-protos, 150391523 | |
pyparsing, 145133278 | |
werkzeug, 143193200 | |
pytest, 136092386 | |
decorator, 135106914 | |
asn1crypto, 128924918 | |
more-itertools, 126657878 | |
awscli-cwlogs, 126309809 | |
pluggy, 120300118 | |
flask, 117455899 | |
scipy, 116968652 | |
itsdangerous, 113639938 | |
oauthlib, 111213522 | |
py, 106969182 | |
coverage, 106245186 | |
virtualenv, 104256236 | |
requests-oauthlib, 102765613 | |
psutil, 102590841 | |
ipaddress, 102589154 | |
jsonschema, 102291693 | |
scikit-learn, 100560003 | |
importlib-metadata, 99249602 | |
pygments, 95618798 | |
wcwidth, 94913658 | |
zipp, 93958133 | |
pyopenssl, 93185870 | |
pyjwt, 92353815 | |
mock, 92018680 | |
wrapt, 90635179 | |
google-cloud-storage, 90150749 | |
pillow, 86097386 | |
websocket-client, 85698334 | |
packaging, 84842257 | |
pbr, 84475934 | |
ipython, 82019683 | |
prompt-toolkit, 81402313 | |
matplotlib, 80731622 | |
httplib2, 80443033 | |
boto, 78391981 | |
lxml, 77428445 | |
docker, 76599773 | |
atomicwrites, 75883487 | |
google-resumable-media, 73114976 | |
sqlalchemy, 72286328 | |
argparse, 71355694 | |
kiwisolver, 70247997 | |
mccabe, 70157529 | |
configparser, 69616809 | |
multidict, 68080016 | |
tqdm, 65738785 | |
tornado, 65716434 | |
funcsigs, 65152549 | |
beautifulsoup4, 64373372 | |
paramiko, 64241326 | |
psycopg2, 63570436 | |
pyrsistent, 63544025 | |
typing, 63424037 | |
markdown, 62605787 | |
google-api-python-client, 62535342 | |
redis, 61655343 | |
bcrypt, 61634970 | |
pexpect, 60696872 | |
pycodestyle, 60144339 | |
absl-py, 60125614 | |
ptyprocess, 59496247 | |
aiohttp, 59137610 | |
entrypoints, 59052497 | |
oauth2client, 58282657 | |
docopt, 57910701 | |
pynacl, 57238190 | |
traitlets, 55087716 | |
tabulate, 55005408 | |
backports-functools-lru-cache, 54655331 | |
lazy-object-proxy, 54439203 | |
dill, 54278961 | |
ipython-genutils, 53875643 | |
pathlib2, 53414364 | |
isodate, 53208142 | |
azure-common, 52918821 | |
gunicorn, 52876560 | |
uritemplate, 52367394 | |
cycler, 52356165 | |
defusedxml, 52009177 | |
psycopg2-binary, 51204829 | |
h5py, 51194283 | |
termcolor, 51011471 | |
pickleshare, 50365341 | |
soupsieve, 50282815 | |
pyflakes, 50184503 | |
requests-toolbelt, 49235593 | |
google-cloud-bigquery, 48265870 | |
tensorboard, 47092132 | |
typed-ast, 46785233 | |
networkx, 46639206 | |
webencodings, 45991420 | |
async-timeout, 45685686 | |
tensorflow, 45449338 | |
gitpython, 45435235 | |
pymongo, 45275021 | |
azure-storage-blob, 45205520 | |
flake8, 45085736 | |
isort, 44565799 | |
contextlib2, 44491717 | |
scandir, 44308938 | |
functools32, 44265261 | |
gevent, 44039749 | |
pytest-cov, 42987880 | |
docker-pycreds, 42298933 | |
joblib, 42280978 | |
yarl, 42125807 | |
grpc-google-iam-v1, 42105718 | |
greenlet, 42070985 | |
zope-interface, 41679952 | |
pyzmq, 41396597 | |
pymysql, 41281740 | |
django, 41194733 | |
datadog, 41174124 | |
bleach, 41132868 | |
astroid, 40599053 | |
gitdb2, 40529351 | |
pylint, 40342805 | |
babel, 40116789 | |
azure-storage-common, 39847400 | |
keras-applications, 39689270 | |
keras-preprocessing, 39395842 | |
smmap2, 39184540 | |
opencv-python, 38876199 | |
subprocess32, 38852272 | |
msrest, 38836392 | |
google-auth-httplib2, 38732044 | |
parso, 38166504 | |
jedi, 37940669 | |
pycryptodome, 37805943 | |
astor, 37739739 | |
gast, 37110085 | |
retrying, 36881409 | |
elasticsearch, 35451582 | |
jsonpickle, 35263938 | |
sqlparse, 34975483 | |
pyarrow, 34879648 | |
ordereddict, 34858569 | |
scikit-image, 33824794 | |
pycrypto, 33775490 | |
appdirs, 32742937 | |
toml, 32689782 | |
adal, 32684718 | |
azure-nspkg, 32591485 | |
xlrd, 32103427 | |
jupyter-core, 32000159 | |
xmltodict, 31774601 | |
toolz, 31736336 | |
cached-property, 31576642 | |
prometheus-client, 31550164 | |
tensorflow-estimator, 31302562 | |
py4j, 31010564 | |
websockets, 30527374 | |
dnspython, 30383292 | |
nbformat, 30245623 | |
monotonic, 30162734 | |
nose, 29978338 | |
typing-extensions, 29531870 | |
sklearn, 29443454 | |
cloudpickle, 29064516 | |
pywavelets, 28794637 | |
pycryptodomex, 28710649 | |
ansible, 28533182 | |
singledispatch, 28501824 | |
ply, 28281846 | |
cython, 27973857 | |
mako, 27913607 | |
selenium, 27864029 | |
html5lib, 27848508 | |
simplegeneric, 27745677 | |
apache-beam, 27671952 | |
backcall, 27579084 | |
msgpack, 26844011 | |
dask, 26331607 | |
regex, 26266166 | |
ipykernel, 26239282 | |
ujson, 25952891 | |
mistune, 25898723 | |
backports-ssl-match-hostname, 25796973 | |
amqp, 25756543 | |
jupyter-client, 25750485 | |
docker-compose, 25701706 | |
kombu, 25315661 | |
ruamel-yaml, 25281035 | |
nltk, 25271754 | |
alembic, 25075126 | |
google-auth-oauthlib, 24664889 | |
raven, 24499399 | |
python-editor, 24483899 | |
sortedcontainers, 24388318 | |
nbconvert, 24375921 | |
thrift, 24045975 | |
notebook, 23835990 | |
hdfs, 23817589 | |
slackclient, 23689627 | |
testpath, 23619686 | |
s3fs, 23536824 | |
keras, 23476069 | |
celery, 23364791 | |
discord-py, 23339282 | |
billiard, 23232254 | |
filelock, 23210897 | |
snowballstemmer, 23187414 | |
unidecode, 23088875 | |
netaddr, 23011985 | |
pandocfilters, 22993463 | |
send2trash, 22747435 | |
terminado, 22715519 | |
backports-shutil-get-terminal-size, 22431738 | |
backports-weakref, 22409669 | |
msrestazure, 22231171 | |
sentry-sdk, 21906531 | |
ipywidgets, 21817254 | |
tzlocal, 21711592 | |
widgetsnbextension, 21626474 | |
ijson, 21533795 | |
mysqlclient, 21335834 | |
tox, 20939369 | |
lockfile, 20733637 | |
xgboost, 20642115 | |
arrow, 20630795 | |
vine, 20559416 | |
google-cloud-pubsub, 20399386 | |
sphinx, 20372136 | |
djangorestframework, 20261684 | |
openpyxl, 20222772 | |
ecdsa, 20101811 | |
xlsxwriter, 20081473 | |
snowflake-connector-python, 20021156 | |
pyhamcrest, 19972964 | |
google-cloud-firestore, 19806017 | |
google-cloud-datastore, 19717486 | |
google-pasta, 19580510 | |
qtconsole, 19191080 | |
bs4, 19179159 | |
text-unidecode, 19098496 | |
prettytable, 19089305 | |
jdcal, 19018504 | |
google-cloud-logging, 19002384 | |
backports-abc, 18962785 | |
jupyter-console, 18918332 | |
smart-open, 18706905 | |
alabaster, 18670352 | |
pyspark, 18664013 | |
jupyter, 18533388 | |
statsmodels, 18480060 | |
unicodecsv, 18431746 | |
dockerpty, 18351262 | |
shapely, 18303864 | |
twisted, 18289269 | |
hiredis, 18288202 | |
virtualenv-clone, 18166239 | |
imagesize, 18139397 | |
idna-ssl, 18056871 | |
fasteners, 18052633 | |
marshmallow, 18027552 | |
plotly, 18017517 | |
pytest-forked, 17675962 | |
texttable, 17577035 | |
et-xmlfile, 17473671 | |
kubernetes, 17113449 | |
incremental, 17078526 | |
iso8601, 16916001 | |
applicationinsights, 16883776 | |
google-cloud-bigtable, 16840538 | |
pathlib, 16823748 | |
constantly, 16759673 | |
automat, 16691118 | |
hyperlink, 16638971 | |
azure-mgmt-resource, 16463703 | |
croniter, 16410162 | |
python-jose, 16390810 | |
pipenv, 16303498 | |
pathspec, 15658966 | |
nvidia-ml-py3, 15520321 | |
execnet, 15364508 | |
aniso8601, 15314360 | |
python-magic, 15247809 | |
flask-cors, 15213240 | |
inflection, 15203298 | |
gym, 15113541 | |
mypy, 14999608 | |
azure-mgmt-storage, 14927461 | |
flask-sqlalchemy, 14835131 | |
service-identity, 14822442 | |
mozrunner, 14807088 | |
argcomplete, 14682178 | |
faker, 14637155 | |
uvloop, 14609350 | |
apipkg, 14582824 | |
stevedore, 14479520 | |
azure-storage-nspkg, 14469933 | |
ndg-httpsclient, 14356576 | |
pyserial, 14226382 | |
seaborn, 14190037 | |
distro, 14151070 | |
pytest-timeout, 14141290 | |
bz2file, 14122087 | |
patsy, 14098838 | |
cssselect, 14036101 | |
tenacity, 13956987 | |
tensorflow-metadata, 13927328 | |
graphviz, 13870715 | |
pydot, 13850391 | |
azure-mgmt-nspkg, 13813387 | |
avro, 13809809 | |
imageio, 13771055 | |
fastavro, 13764392 | |
gensim, 13686467 | |
trueskill, 13643493 | |
statsd, 13548711 | |
pytest-xdist, 13505330 | |
azure-mgmt-containerregistry, 13453212 | |
mypy-extensions, 13380441 | |
azure-mgmt-keyvault, 13340370 | |
ua-parser, 13259227 | |
configobj, 13241753 | |
mozlog, 13193523 | |
fuzzywuzzy, 13161090 | |
google-gax, 13153967 | |
responses, 12999681 | |
aliyun-python-sdk-core, 12946906 | |
azure-datalake-store, 12863346 | |
pytest-mock, 12839810 | |
aliyun-python-sdk-ecs, 12835022 | |
elasticsearch-dsl, 12816025 | |
azure-mgmt-authorization, 12792645 | |
google-apitools, 12780433 | |
python-daemon, 12772525 | |
azure-graphrbac, 12766382 | |
netifaces, 12561149 | |
s3cmd, 12538305 | |
python-json-logger, 12534903 | |
aliyunsdkcore, 12484719 | |
manhole, 12406280 | |
hvac, 12261609 | |
humanfriendly, 12253367 | |
ipdb, 12246930 | |
deepdiff, 12209179 | |
freezegun, 12207990 | |
maxminddb, 12098216 | |
uwsgi, 12042231 | |
pykube, 11947362 | |
appnope, 11860617 | |
databricks-cli, 11805813 | |
python-levenshtein, 11788737 | |
tensorflow-transform, 11778504 | |
tldextract, 11612558 | |
pyodbc, 11569388 | |
autopep8, 11561349 | |
pendulum, 11432600 | |
newrelic, 11383453 | |
python-dotenv, 11361327 | |
pytzdata, 11334209 | |
wtforms, 11270038 | |
pytest-runner, 11224152 | |
libtmux, 11104163 | |
zope-deprecation, 11089587 | |
jsonpointer, 11017907 | |
webob, 10994575 | |
retry, 10990219 | |
blinker, 10987260 | |
semantic-version, 10973921 | |
requests-file, 10843556 | |
graphql-core, 10781388 | |
blessings, 10728518 | |
backoff, 10716974 | |
black, 10695298 | |
geopy, 10686016 | |
google-cloud, 10629161 | |
bottle, 10551343 | |
pep8, 10527245 | |
geoip2, 10511519 | |
grpcio-tools, 10451332 | |
traceback2, 10410102 | |
linecache2, 10386312 | |
django-extensions, 10351287 | |
sphinxcontrib-websupport, 10318239 | |
unittest2, 10239847 | |
fsspec, 10187032 | |
django-cors-headers, 10146539 | |
pkginfo, 10119472 | |
django-filter, 10077843 | |
secretstorage, 10057055 | |
user-agents, 10050204 | |
configargparse, 10001744 | |
scp, 9957349 | |
azure-devops, 9942530 | |
azure-mgmt-compute, 9938936 | |
azure-mgmt-network, 9934159 | |
msgpack-python, 9904711 | |
azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg, 9827614 | |
azure-mgmt-datalake-store, 9735081 | |
google-cloud-monitoring, 9706197 | |
mpi4py, 9674967 | |
mozdevice, 9609045 | |
azure-keyvault, 9561083 | |
pysocks, 9523786 | |
azure-cli, 9521848 | |
jsondiff, 9493349 | |
cherrypy, 9467938 | |
pika, 9467625 | |
parsedatetime, 9410911 | |
azure-mgmt-batch, 9399772 | |
lightgbm, 9376391 | |
querystring-parser, 9375734 | |
pyrfc3339, 9342152 | |
argh, 9319192 | |
pyproj, 9315946 | |
mozprofile, 9307163 | |
pycurl, 9301729 | |
dictdiffer, 9288555 | |
flask-wtf, 9274785 | |
mysql-connector-python, 9274704 | |
cheroot, 9272854 | |
codecov, 9261620 | |
mozinfo, 9224842 | |
jsonpatch, 9222371 | |
glob2, 9217176 | |
azure-batch, 9059754 | |
crcmod, 9057979 | |
jaraco-functools, 9033939 | |
tempora, 8995380 | |
azure-mgmt-dns, 8959399 | |
pyhive, 8945640 | |
azure-mgmt-rdbms, 8906609 | |
azure-mgmt-sql, 8891960 | |
mozprocess, 8888437 | |
portend, 8874708 | |
geographiclib, 8853246 | |
azure-mgmt-web, 8803957 | |
deprecated, 8753999 | |
munch, 8739361 | |
jpype1, 8687617 | |
pysftp, 8659485 | |
watchdog, 8648248 | |
ruamel-yaml-clib, 8644057 | |
mlflow, 8628293 | |
kafka-python, 8605163 | |
google, 8593398 | |
gapic-google-cloud-logging-v2, 8591157 | |
mujoco-py, 8565550 | |
zeep, 8557624 | |
proto-google-cloud-logging-v2, 8557527 | |
azure-storage, 8555221 | |
pathtools, 8548889 | |
django-storages, 8547554 | |
spacy, 8493425 | |
pytest-instafail, 8479997 | |
thinc, 8476835 | |
factory-boy, 8468171 | |
preshed, 8466351 | |
google-cloud-spanner, 8433752 | |
simpleflock, 8433718 | |
cymem, 8402292 | |
azure-storage-queue, 8374248 |
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