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Last active June 17, 2020 22:45
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Easy SSL certificates - create your own CA in seconds!
# My CA - Create your own certificate authority!
# for people who need lots of certificates...
# Create a workspace and save this Makefile in the workspace
# $ mkdir ~/.ssl/
# $ curl > ~/.ssl/Makefile
# $ cd ~/.ssl/
# $ make ca # Generate the certificate authority
# $ make pfx # Create certs for a domain with pfx
# $ make crt # Create basic certs for a domain (no pfx)
# Clean your workspace
# $ make clean
# Delete everything
# $ make clean && rm *.key *.pem *.crt
# Customise the values in the makefile to make it your own.
# If you want to remove the password prompt for PFX, add '-password $MYPASS'
# Become a Certificate Authority
# The Certificate Authority is the "master" certificate. It lends authenticity to other certificates
# which it has signed itself. SSL certificate trust is usually established by a chain of trust, which
# starts with the authority.
# CA certificate days valid
# RSA encryption key bit length
DES_OPTION= # If you want to password protect your private keys, set DES_OPTION=-des3
# Put your domain here, or specify at the command line by running "export DOMAIN=..."
# Put your details in here, or specify at command line by running "export SUBJECT=..."
# C: 2 letter country code
# ST: 2 letter state
# L: City name
# O: Organisation name
# OU: Organisational unit (e.g. department name)
# CN: Common name (domain name)
SUBJECT?="/C=GB/ST=GB/L=London/O=Cowboy Consultants Ltd./OU=YeeHaw/CN=$(DOMAIN)"
###################### CA Targets
ca: ca.key ca.pem
# Generate private key
openssl genrsa $(DES_OPTION) -out ca.key $(RSA_BITS)
# Generate root certificate
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -sha256 -days $(CA_DAYS) -out ca.pem -subj $(SUBJECT)
# Create CA-signed certs
# Signed certificates will be valid for this many days
# Generate a private key
if [ ! -f "$(DOMAIN).key" ]; then openssl genrsa -out $(DOMAIN).key $(RSA_BITS) $(DES_OPTION); fi
# Create a certificate-signing request
if [ ! -f "$(DOMAIN).csr" ]; then openssl req -nodes -subj $(SUBJECT) -new -key $(DOMAIN).key -out $(DOMAIN).csr ; fi
crt: key csr
# Create a certificate signed by the CA
if [ ! -f "$(DOMAIN).pem" ]; then openssl x509 -req -in $(DOMAIN).csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out $(DOMAIN).pem -days $(CERT_DAYS) -sha256 ; fi
pfx: crt
if [ ! -f "$(DOMAIN).pfx" ]; then openssl pkcs12 -export -out $(DOMAIN).pfx -inkey $(DOMAIN).key -in $(DOMAIN).pem -certfile ca.pem ; fi
###################### Other targets
cert: pfx
rm *.csr *.pfx *.srl
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