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Created January 27, 2024 14:06
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Git DevSecOps Scanner
GitHub Repository Security Scanner
This script scans a specified GitHub repository for potential sensitive information and security vulnerabilities using a predefined list of Git dorks. It is intended to be a part of DevSecOps practices to prevent sensitive data leaks.
The script requires a GitHub Access Token and a Discord Webhook URL to operate. It sends alerts to the specified Discord channel when sensitive information is found in any of the repository's files.
- PyGithub: A Python client for the GitHub API
- requests: A Python HTTP library
1. Install required Python packages:
`pip install PyGithub requests`
2. Set your GitHub Access Token and Discord Webhook URL in the script.
3. Run the script with a GitHub repository URL as an argument:
`python3 <repository_url>`
- Ensure the access token has appropriate permissions for repository access.
- Be cautious with the output, as it may contain sensitive information.
import requests
import sys
from github import Github
# Define your GitHub Access Token and Discord Webhook URL
discord_webhook_url = 'YOUR_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL'
# Define a bunch of dorks
git_dorks = [
# Credentials, API Keys, Tokens
'filename:.env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
'filename:.env password',
'filename:.npmrc _auth',
'filename:.dockercfg auth',
'extension:pem private',
'extension:ppk private',
'filename:id_rsa or filename:id_dsa',
'path:/.npmrc _authToken',
# Configuration Files
' secret_key',
'filename:web.config password',
' password',
'filename:config.php dbpassword',
# Database Files and Backups
'filename:database.sql password',
# SSH and Configuration
'filename:.bashrc password',
'filename:shadow path:/etc/',
'filename:passwd path:/etc/',
# Development and Deployment Files
' password',
'filename:test.rb aws',
' db',
# Malware and Security Vulnerability Indicators
'filename:payload positives:5-',
'filename:exploit positives:5-',
'filename:obfus NOT tag:android',
'metadata:"Microsoft Corporation" AND tag:peexe',
'resource:"PKCS7" and resource:"X509"',
'submitter:DE positives:2+ positives:10- (tag:doc OR tag:docx)',
'submitter:TW positives:1+ positives:20- filename:*.eml submissions:1',
'c2ae:STEALER and tag:peexe',
'content:"click enable editing"',
'content:"click enable content"',
'content:"] Shellcode"',
# Miscellaneous
'extension:log password',
' password',
# Initialize GitHub API
g = Github(access_token)
# Function to scan a repository
def scan_repository(repo_url):
repo_name = repo_url.split('/')[-1]
findings = []
for dork in git_dorks:
query = f"{dork} repo:{repo_name}"
results = g.search_code(query, order='desc')
for file in results:
file_content_url = file.download_url
if file_content_url:
file_content = requests.get(file_content_url).text
findings.append((file.html_url, file_content))
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error scanning {repo_name}: {e}")
return findings
# Function to send an alert to Discord
def send_discord_alert(findings):
if findings:
for finding in findings:
file_url, file_content = finding
message = f"Alert: Sensitive information found in file: {file_url}\nContent:\n{file_content[:1000]}" # Limited to the first 1000 characters
data = {"content": message}
response =, json=data)
if response.status_code != 204:
print("Failed to send message to Discord webhook.")
# Main function to handle command-line arguments
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python3 <repository_url>")
repo_url = sys.argv[1]
scan_results = scan_repository(repo_url)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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