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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Boilerplate where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
data Cardinal = North | South | East | West deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum)
movePoint :: Cardinal -> Point -> Point
movePoint North point = point { ptY = succ . ptY $ point}
movePoint South point = point { ptY = pred . ptY $ point}
movePoint East point = point { ptX = succ . ptX $ point}
movePoint West point = point { ptX = pred . ptX $ point}
addForce :: Cardinal -> Integer -> Force -> Force
addForce North direction force = force { frY = frY force + direction }
addForce South direction force = force { frY = frY force + direction * (-1) }
addForce East direction force = force { frX = frX force + direction }
addForce West direction force = force { frX = frX force + direction * (-1) }
data Cell = Ground | Nothingness | Shuttle | ThinShuttle | ThinSolid | Bridge | Positive | Negative deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum)
data Point = Point {ptX::Integer, ptY::Integer} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Force = Force {frX::Integer, frY::Integer} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Simulation = Simulation {simGrid::Map Point Cell, simEngines::Set Point} deriving (Show)
isEngine, isMovable, isPermeable, isShuttle, isShuttleOrThinShuttle, isBridge :: Cell -> Bool
isEngine = (`elem` [Positive, Negative])
isMovable = (`elem` [Nothingness, Shuttle, ThinShuttle])
isPermeable = (`elem` [Nothingness, ThinShuttle, ThinSolid])
isShuttleOrThinShuttle = (`elem` [Shuttle, ThinShuttle])
isShuttle = (== Shuttle)
isBridge = (== Bridge)
type FillState = (Set Point, [Point])
visit :: (MonadState FillState m) => Point -> m ()
visit point = do
(visited, toExplore) <- get
unless (Set.member point visited) $
put (Set.insert point visited, toExplore ++ [point])
fill :: Monad m => Point
-> (Point -> StateT FillState m Bool)
-> m ()
fill initialSquare f = do
_ <- runStateT go (Set.singleton initialSquare, [initialSquare])
return ()
go = do
(visited, toExplore) <- get
case toExplore of
[] -> return ()
(p:ps) -> do
put (visited, ps)
ok <- f p
when ok $ forM_ [North .. ] $ \dir -> visit (movePoint dir p)
setCell :: Point -> Maybe Cell -> Simulation -> Simulation
setCell point maybeCell Simulation{..} = case maybeCell of
Just cell -> Simulation
{ simGrid = Map.insert point cell simGrid
, simEngines = if isEngine cell then Set.insert point simEngines else simEngines
Nothing -> Simulation
{ simGrid = Map.delete point simGrid
, simEngines = case Map.lookup point simGrid of
Just cell | isEngine cell -> Set.delete point simEngines
Nothing -> simEngines
cellLookup :: Point -> Simulation -> Cell
cellLookup point = fromMaybe Ground . Map.lookup point . simGrid
tryMove :: Simulation -> [Point] -> Cardinal -> Maybe Simulation
tryMove sim@Simulation{..} points direction
| not $ all (isMovable . flip cellLookup sim . movePoint direction) points = Nothing
| otherwise = let
(shuttle, sim') = foldl' (\(shuttleSoFar, simSoFar) point ->
let newShuttle = Map.insert point (cellLookup point simSoFar) shuttleSoFar
newSim = setCell point (Just Nothingness) simSoFar
in (newShuttle, newSim)
) (Map.empty, sim) points
in Just $ foldl' (\simSoFar point ->
setCell (movePoint direction point) (Map.lookup point shuttle) simSoFar
) sim' points
engineDirection :: Point -> Map Point Cell -> Integer
engineDirection point grid = if Map.lookup point grid == Just Positive then 1 else -1
getPressure :: Simulation -> Map Point Integer
getPressure sim@Simulation{..} = foldl' getPressure' mempty (Set.toList simEngines)
where getPressure' pressureSoFar point = execState (doFill point) pressureSoFar
doFill point = fill point $ \fillPoint -> do
let cell | fillPoint == point = Nothingness
| otherwise = cellLookup fillPoint sim
if isPermeable cell
then do
let addPressure atPoint = lift . modify $ \pressures ->
let oldPressure = fromMaybe 0 (Map.lookup fillPoint pressures)
direction = engineDirection point simGrid
in Map.insert atPoint (oldPressure + direction) pressures
addPressure fillPoint
forM_ [North ..] $ \dir -> do
let go atPoint = do
let newPoint = movePoint dir atPoint
if Map.lookup newPoint simGrid == Just Bridge
then do
addPressure newPoint
go newPoint
else return newPoint
lastPoint <- go fillPoint
when (checkIf lastPoint isPermeable simGrid) $
visit lastPoint
return True
else return False
checkIf :: Point -> (a -> Bool) -> Map Point a -> Bool
checkIf point predicate grid = (predicate <$> Map.lookup point grid) == Just True
data AShuttle = AShuttle {shPoints::[Point], shForce::Force} deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data SimState = SimState
{ ssShuttleMap :: Map Point AShuttle
, ssShuttles :: Set AShuttle
, ssSimulation :: Simulation
} deriving (Show)
makeShuttle :: AShuttle
makeShuttle = AShuttle {shPoints=[], shForce=Force 0 0}
getShuttle :: (MonadState SimState m) => Point -> m (Maybe AShuttle)
getShuttle point = do
grid <- gets $ simGrid . ssSimulation
case Map.lookup point grid of
Just s | isShuttle s -> do
maybeShuttleInMap <- gets (Map.lookup point . ssShuttleMap)
case maybeShuttleInMap of
Just shuttleInMap -> return (Just shuttleInMap)
Nothing -> do
shuttlePoints <- flip execStateT [] $ fill point $ \fillPoint ->
if checkIf fillPoint isShuttleOrThinShuttle grid
then do
lift $ modify (fillPoint:)
return True
else return False
let shuttle = makeShuttle{shPoints=shuttlePoints}
mappedPoints = Map.fromList (zip shuttlePoints (repeat shuttle))
modify $ \simState@SimState{..} ->
simState{ssShuttleMap=ssShuttleMap <> mappedPoints}
return $ Just shuttle
_ -> return Nothing
addShuttle :: MonadState SimState m => AShuttle -> m ()
addShuttle shuttle@AShuttle{..} = do
let mappedPoints = Map.fromList (zip shPoints (repeat shuttle))
modify $ \simState@SimState{..} ->
simState { ssShuttleMap=ssShuttleMap <> mappedPoints
, ssShuttles=Set.insert shuttle ssShuttles
removeShuttle :: MonadState SimState m => AShuttle -> m ()
removeShuttle shuttle@AShuttle{..} =
modify $ \simState@SimState{..} ->
simState { ssShuttleMap=foldl' (flip Map.delete) ssShuttleMap shPoints
, ssShuttles=Set.delete shuttle ssShuttles
replaceShuttle :: MonadState SimState m
=> AShuttle -> AShuttle -> m ()
replaceShuttle shuttle newShuttle = do
removeShuttle shuttle
addShuttle newShuttle
vertDirection :: Force -> Maybe Cardinal
vertDirection Force{..}
| frY > 0 = Just North
| frY < 0 = Just South
| otherwise = Nothing
horizDirection :: Force -> Maybe Cardinal
horizDirection Force{..}
| frX > 0 = Just East
| frX < 0 = Just West
| otherwise = Nothing
step :: Simulation -> Simulation
step sim = ssSimulation $ flip execState (SimState mempty mempty sim) $ do
let grid = simGrid sim
forM_ (Set.toList $ simEngines sim) $ \enginePoint -> do
let direction = engineDirection enginePoint grid
fill enginePoint $ \fillPoint -> do
let cell | fillPoint == enginePoint = Nothingness
| otherwise = cellLookup fillPoint sim
if isPermeable cell
then do
forM_ [North ..] $ \cardinal -> do
let movedPoint = movePoint cardinal fillPoint
moveShuttleOrElse atPoint orElse = do
mShuttle <- lift $ getShuttle atPoint
case mShuttle of
Just shuttle@AShuttle{..} ->
lift $ replaceShuttle shuttle
(shuttle {shForce=addForce cardinal direction shForce})
Nothing -> orElse
moveShuttleOrElse movedPoint $ when (checkIf movedPoint isBridge grid) $ do
let movedPoint' = movePoint cardinal movedPoint
go point = if checkIf point isBridge grid then go (movePoint cardinal point) else point
lastPoint = go movedPoint'
moveShuttleOrElse lastPoint $ when (checkIf lastPoint isPermeable grid) $ visit lastPoint
return True
else return False
shuttles <- gets (Set.toList . ssShuttles)
forM_ shuttles $ \AShuttle{..} ->
modify $ \simState@SimState{..} ->
case vertDirection shForce >>= tryMove ssSimulation shPoints of
Just newSimulationVert -> simState{ssSimulation = newSimulationVert}
Nothing -> case horizDirection shForce >>= tryMove ssSimulation shPoints of
Just newSimulationHoriz -> simState{ssSimulation = newSimulationHoriz}
Nothing -> simState
makeSimulation :: [(Point, Cell)] -> Simulation
makeSimulation cellPoints = Simulation
{ simGrid = Map.fromList cellPoints
, simEngines = Set.fromList . map fst . filter (isEngine . snd) $ cellPoints
showSim :: Simulation -> [Cell]
showSim Simulation{..} = map snd $ Map.toAscList simGrid
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Push a shuttle along a tunnel:"
let sim1 = iterate step $ makeSimulation [(Point 0 0, Positive), (Point 1 0, Shuttle), (Point 2 0, Nothingness), (Point 3 0, Nothingness)]
mapM_ (print . showSim) $ take 4 sim1
putStrLn "\nSimple oscillator:"
let sim2 = iterate step $ makeSimulation [(Point 0 0, Nothingness), (Point 0 1, Shuttle), (Point 1 0, Negative), (Point 1 1, Nothingness)]
mapM_ (print . showSim) $ take 20 sim2
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