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Last active December 13, 2018 22:34
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Deep Merge Semantics are:

  • keys of objects get merged { a: .. , b: .. } with { b: .. , c: .. }
    • the value of b needs to be merged; recurse
  • elements of arrays get
  • primitives in left and right that are distinct, produce a type error


  • objects have set semantics; recursive set merge
  • arrays have sequence semantics; order is important
  • certain objects produce nonsensical merge results
type DeepMerge<A extends unknown, B extends unknown> = any //A & B
type Any = AnyVal | AnyRef
type Skip = undefined | null
type AnyRef = object
type AnyVal = bigint | number | string | symbol | boolean
type ObjectLiteral = Record<string, unknown>
function isNull(a: any): a is Skip {
if (typeof (a) === "undefined" || a === null)
return true;
return false;
function isAnyVal(a: unknown): a is AnyVal {
switch (typeof (a)) {
case "bigint":
case "boolean":
case "number":
case "string":
case "symbol":
return true;
return false;
class AssertError extends Error { }
function assert(cond: boolean, err: string = "") {
if (!cond)
throw new AssertError(err)
function isCompatible(a: any, b: any) {
if (isNull(a) || isNull(b)) // nullable values are always assignable
return true;
if (typeof (a) !== typeof (b))
return false;
if (a.prototype !== b.prototype)
return false;
// TODO implement more specific checks
return true;
function isObjectLiteral(a: unknown): a is ObjectLiteral {
return Object.getPrototypeOf(a) === Object.getPrototypeOf({});
function isArray<T>(a: unknown): a is Array<T> {
return (a instanceof Array);
function union<T>(a: T[], b: T[]): T[] {
return Array.from(new Set(a.concat(b)));
function difference<T>(a: T[], b: T[]): T[] {
return Array.from(a).filter(k => b.includes(k))
function deepMerge<A extends Any, B extends Any>(a: A, b: B): DeepMerge<A, B> {
assert(isCompatible(a, b), "deepMerge: a and b have incompatible types")
if (isNull(a))
return b;
if (isNull(b))
return a;
if (isAnyVal(a) && isAnyVal(b)) {
// XXX: typescript does not properly narrow types here
assert((a as any) === b, "deepMerge: a and b are AnyVals and must be equal")
return a;
assert(typeof (a) !== "function", "deepMerge: cannot merge functions")
if (isArray(a)) {
return a.concat(b);
if (isObjectLiteral(a)) {
assert(isObjectLiteral(b), "deepMerge: can only merge object literals with other object literals (for now)")
const result: any = {}
const commonKeys = union(Object.keys(a), Object.keys(b))
for (const key in commonKeys) {
// XXX: make typescript happy
result[key] = deepMerge(a[key] as any, b[key] as any)
for (const key in difference(Object.keys(a), commonKeys)) {
result[key] = a[key];
for (const key in difference(Object.keys(b), commonKeys)) {
result[key] = b[key];
// TODO: handle Symbol
return result;
assert(false, "deepMerge: not implemented data types")
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