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Created April 27, 2016 02:43
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  • Save luokailuo/80cd4eecd130d558d5b3954c711dda75 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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1.check password strength
2.check chinese
3.composition of the string by figures, 26 letters or underscore
4.check email address
5.check ID number
6.check the date
//“yyyy-mm-dd“ 格式的日期校验,已考虑平闰年
7.check the $/¥
8.check the cellphone number(china)
9.check ie version
^.*MSIE [5-8](?:\\.[0-9]+)?(?!.*Trident\\/[5-9]\\.0).*$
10.check the ip-v4
11.check the ip-v6
12.check the URL prefix
if (!s.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+:\\/\\//))
s = 'http://' + s;
13.format URL link
^(f|ht){1}(tp|tps):\\/\\/([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+(\\/[\\w- ./?%&=]*)?
14.check the file path and extension
15.get Color Hex Codes
16.get web img
\\< *[img][^\\>]*[src] *= *[\\"\\']{0,1}([^\\"\\'\\ >]*)
17.get page link
(<a\\s*(?!.*\\brel=)[^>]*)(href="https?:\\/\\/)((?!(?:(?:www\\.)?'.implode('|(?:www\\.)?', $follow_list).'))[^"]+)"((?!.*\\brel=)[^>]*)(?:[^>]*)>
18.find CSS properties
19.get page comments
20.matching HTML tags
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