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Last active November 1, 2024 07:36
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Jetmove - A script to enhance navigation and multiple carets in Jetbrains IDEs

What is this?

Jetmove is a script I wrote to myself for some navigation and multiple carets features I felt were missing in Jetbrains IDEs.

It uses the excellent Live Plugin to run the script in the IDE.

All features support multiple carets, and are designed to work with them.


Select to character

Default keymap:

registerAction("select-to-forwards", "alt X") {
    val editor = it.editor ?: return@registerAction
    selectToChar(editor, false)

registerAction("select-to-backwards", "alt shift X") {
    val editor = it.editor ?: return@registerAction
    selectToChar(editor, true)

( You can change the keymap by modifying the registerAction calls )

This feature allows you to select text up to a character, either forwards or backwards, similar to the f and F commands in Vim.

Press alt X to select forwards, and alt shift X to select backwards, and then type the character you want to select up to.

If you have a single caret, the selection will be until the end of the file (unlike Vim). If you have multiple carets, the selection will be until the end of the line for each caret.

This default works well for me, but you can change the keymap by modifying the selectToChar function.

Switch selection

Default keymap:

registerAction("switch-selection", "alt Z") {

Switches the caret from the start of the selection to the end of the selection, and vice-versa.

So if you have a selection, pressing alt Z will move the caret to the end of the selection, and if you have a caret, pressing alt Z will select from the caret to the start of the selection.

Replace Brackets

Default keymap:

registerAction("replace-brackets", "alt shift 9") { ev ->

( Meaning alt+open parenthesis, you can change the keymap by modifying the registerAction call )

The available pairs are:

Open Close
( )
[ ]
{ }
< >
" "
' '
` `

This feature looks for the next pair of brackets (or quotes, backticks, etc) and replaces them with the pair you type.

For example, if you have the following text:

This is a (test)

With the caret at the beginning of the line, pressing alt shift 9 and then [ will change the text to:

This is a [test]

Filter Carets

Default keymap:

registerAction("filter-carets-keep", "alt K") { filterCarets(it, true) }
registerAction("filter-carets-remove", "alt shift K") { filterCarets(it, false) }

When using multiple carets, sometimes you want to exclude some of them.

This feature allows you to keep or remove carets based on text or regex.

It will use the current selection, or the current line if there is no selection.

Use the graphical interface for more options.

Text Objects

Borrowed from Vim, text objects are a way to select text based on its structure.

This script provides a way to select around, and inside text objects.

To use the functionality, the default keymap is:

val baseShortcutAround = "alt S, "
val baseShortcutInside = "alt shift S,"

You can change the shortcuts by modifying the baseShortcutAround and baseShortcutInside variables.

With the objects:

Object Description Shortcut
word A word delimited by spaces W
double-quote A string delimited by double quotes "
single-quote A string delimited by single quotes '
paren A block delimited by parentheses (
bracket A block delimited by brackets [
brace A block delimited by braces {
angle-bracket A block delimited by angle brackets <
backtick A block delimited by backticks `
block A block delimited by braces, brackets, or parentheses B

For example, consider the following text:

(This is a test) "of the emergency broadcast system"

With the caret at the beginning of the line, pressing alt S, ( will select the text inside the parentheses:

This is a test

While pressing alt shift S, ( will select the text around the parentheses:

(This is a test)

You can change the text objects by modifying the textObjects variable.

Alternatively, you can use the action browser to find the Jetmove actions - "text-object-around-" and "text-object-inside-".


Why not use the IdeaVim plugin?

Use Ideavim if you want it, and it does provide these features in a more "vim-like" way.

But for me the emulation was never enough, not strong enough to fully replace Vim, and not fully integrated with the rest of the IDE.

I think using the native IDE features is a better way to go, and this plugin tries to enhance the native features, rather than replace them.

And while vim's ideas are noble, I like to just pick what is practical and use that.

How do I install it?

  1. Install the Live Plugin plugin.
  2. Open the Live Plugin tab, and use "Copy from Gist" for this gist.
  3. You can then use the "Run" button to run the script, and use the settings to configure it to run on boot. You can also edit the script to change the keymaps or add new features.

The code is bad

First, not a question.
Second, yeah yeah, I built this in parts as needed.
Feel free to make suggestions or pull requests.

import com.intellij.find.FindModel
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Caret
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.actionSystem.TypedAction
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.actionSystem.TypedActionHandler
import com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogPanel
import com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange
import com.intellij.ui.EditorTextField
import com.intellij.ui.dsl.builder.bind
import com.intellij.ui.dsl.builder.bindSelected
import com.intellij.ui.dsl.builder.panel
import com.intellij.ui.dsl.builder.toMutableProperty
import liveplugin.currentEditor
import liveplugin.editor
import liveplugin.executeCommand
import liveplugin.registerAction
import org.intellij.lang.regexp.RegExpFileType
import javax.swing.JComponent
* Represents a generic text object that provides a range within a document.
interface TextObject {
val name: String
val shortcut: String
* Calculates the range for the current text object.
* @param inside Whether to find the range inside or around the text object.
* @param caret The caret to use as a reference point.
* @return A pair representing the start and end index of the range, or null if not applicable.
fun range(inside: Boolean, caret: Caret): Pair<Int, Int>?
* A simplified version of TextObject for easier creation of specific text objects.
abstract class SimpleTextObject : TextObject {
override fun range(inside: Boolean, caret: Caret): Pair<Int, Int>? =
range(inside, caret.editor.document.charsSequence, caret.offset)
* Calculates the text object's range based on characters and an offset within a document.
* @param inside Whether to find the range inside or around the text object.
* @param chars The character sequence to analyze.
* @param offset The offset within the character sequence to consider.
* @return A pair representing the start and end index of the range, or null if not applicable.
abstract fun range(inside: Boolean, chars: CharSequence, offset: Int): Pair<Int, Int>?
class CharPairs(private val starts: CharArray, private val ends: CharArray) {
constructor(vararg pairs: Pair<Char, Char>) : this( { it.first }.toCharArray(), { it.second }.toCharArray()
fun findPreviousStart(text: CharSequence, offset: Int): Int? {
val charsCount = Array(starts.size) { 0 }
for (i in offset - 1 downTo 0) {
val char = text[i]
val start = starts.indexOf(char)
if (start != -1) {
if (charsCount[start] == 0) return i
val end = ends.indexOf(char)
if (end != -1) {
return null
fun findNextEnd(text: CharSequence, offset: Int): Int? {
val charsCount = Array(ends.size) { 0 }
for (i in offset until text.length) {
val char = text[i]
val end = ends.indexOf(char)
if (end != -1) {
if (charsCount[end] == 0) return i
val start = starts.indexOf(char)
if (start != -1) {
return null
fun findNextStart(text: CharSequence, offset: Int): Int? = text.indexOfAny(starts, offset).takeIf { it != -1 }
class BalancedTextObject(override val name: String, override val shortcut: String, private val pairs: CharPairs) :
SimpleTextObject() {
constructor(name: String, shortcut: String, vararg pairs: Pair<Char, Char>) : this(
override fun range(inside: Boolean, caret: CharSequence, offset: Int): Pair<Int, Int>? {
val start = pairs.findPreviousStart(caret, offset) ?: pairs.findNextStart(caret, offset) ?: return null
val end = pairs.findNextEnd(caret, offset) ?: return null
return if (inside) Pair(start + 1, end) else Pair(start, end + 1)
fun getUnmatchedCharIndex(isBackwards: Boolean, text: CharSequence, char: Char, match: Char): Int {
var count = 0
val range = if (isBackwards) text.indices.reversed() else text.indices
for (i in range) {
val c = text[i]
if (c == char) count++
if (c == match) {
if (count == 0) return i
return -1
val textObjects = arrayOf(
BalancedTextObject("word", "W", ' ' to ' ', ' ' to '\n', '\n' to ' '),
BalancedTextObject("double-quote", "shift QUOTE'", '"' to '"'),
BalancedTextObject("single-quote", "QUOTE", '\'' to '\''),
BalancedTextObject("paren", "shift 9", '(' to ')'),
BalancedTextObject("bracket", "[", '[' to ']'),
BalancedTextObject("brace", "shift [", '{' to '}'),
BalancedTextObject("angle-bracket", "shift ,", '<' to '>'),
BalancedTextObject("backtick", "`", '`' to '`'),
BalancedTextObject("block", "B", '{' to '}', '(' to ')', '[' to ']'),
val baseShortcutAround = "alt S, "
val baseShortcutInside = "alt shift S,"
fun registerTextObjectActions() {
for (textObject in textObjects) {
registerAction("text-object-around-${}", baseShortcutAround + textObject.shortcut) {
val editor = it.project?.currentEditor ?: return@registerAction
editor.caretModel.allCarets.forEach { caret ->
val range = textObject.range(false, caret)
if (range != null) {
caret.setSelection(range.first, range.second)
registerAction("text-object-inside-${}", baseShortcutInside + textObject.shortcut) {
val editor = it.project?.currentEditor ?: return@registerAction
editor.caretModel.allCarets.forEach { caret ->
val range = textObject.range(true, caret)
if (range != null) {
caret.setSelection(range.first, range.second)
data class Model(
var onChanged: () -> Unit = {},
) : FindModel() {
fun matches(text: String): Boolean {
val re = compileRegExp()
return re.matcher(text).find()
var string
get() = stringToFind
set(value) {
stringToFind = value
var keep = true
set(value) {
field = value
var case = super.isCaseSensitive()
set(value) {
field = value
var words = super.isWholeWordsOnly()
set(value) {
field = value
var regex = super.isRegularExpressions()
set(value) {
field = value
fun matchingCarets(model: Model, carets: List<Caret>): List<Pair<Caret, ClosedRange<Int>?>> {
val re = if (model.regex) {
} else {
Regex(model.stringToFind.let {
if (model.words) it.split("\\s+").joinToString("|") { "\\b$it\\b" } else it
}, if ( RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE else RegexOption.LITERAL)
return {
// get selected text or line
val selectedText = it.selectedText?.ifEmpty { null } ?: getLine(it)
it to if (model.keep) {
} else {
(if (re.find(selectedText) == null) 0..selectedText.length else null)
fun filterCarets(it: AnActionEvent, keep: Boolean) {
val editor = it.editor ?: return
val project = it.project ?: return
val model = Model()
var panel: DialogPanel? = null
model.regex = true
model.keep = keep
val wrapper = object : DialogWrapper(editor.contentComponent, true) {
init {
title = "Filter Caret"
override fun createCenterPanel(): JComponent {
panel = panel {
row {
cell(EditorTextField(project, RegExpFileType.INSTANCE).apply {
{ it.text },
{ e, s -> e.text = s },
buttonsGroup("Action") {
row {
radioButton("Keep", true)
radioButton("Remove", false)
row {
checkBox("Match case").bindSelected(
return panel!!
if (!wrapper.showAndGet()) return
val caretModel = editor.caretModel
matchingCarets(model, editor.caretModel.allCarets).filter { it.second == null }.forEach { (c, _) ->
registerAction("filter-carets-keep", "alt K") { filterCarets(it, true) }
registerAction("filter-carets-remove", "alt shift K") { filterCarets(it, false) }
internal object EditorKeyListener : TypedActionHandler {
private val action = TypedAction.getInstance()
private val attached = mutableMapOf<Editor, TypedActionHandler>()
private var originalHandler: TypedActionHandler? = null
override fun execute(editor: Editor, charTyped: Char, dataContext: DataContext) {
(attached[editor] ?: originalHandler ?: return).execute(editor, charTyped, dataContext)
fun attach(editor: Editor, callback: TypedActionHandler) {
if (attached.isEmpty()) {
originalHandler = action.rawHandler
attached[editor] = callback
fun detach(editor: Editor) {
if (attached.isEmpty()) {
originalHandler = null
fun Editor.waitForChar(callback: (Char) -> Unit) {
) { editor, char, dataContext ->
fun selectToChar(editor: Editor, backwards: Boolean) {
val document = editor.document
val text = document.charsSequence
editor.waitForChar { char ->
val allCarets = editor.caretModel.allCarets
if (allCarets.size != 1) {
allCarets.forEach { caret ->
// search until newline
val newLine = text.indexOf('\n', caret.offset)
if (backwards) { // search backwards
val index = text.lastIndexOf(char, if (newLine == -1) text.length else newLine - 1)
if (index != -1) {
caret.setSelection(index, caret.selectionEnd)
} else { // search forwards
val index = text.indexOf(char, caret.offset)
if (index != -1 && index < newLine) {
caret.setSelection(caret.selectionStart, index + 1)
} else {
val caret = allCarets[0]
val offset = if (backwards) caret.selectionStart else caret.selectionEnd
val index = if (backwards) text.lastIndexOf(char, offset - 1) else text.indexOf(char, offset + 1)
if (index != -1) {
if (backwards) index else caret.selectionStart,
if (backwards) caret.selectionEnd else index + 1
registerAction("select-to-forwards", "alt X") {
val editor = it.editor ?: return@registerAction
selectToChar(editor, false)
registerAction("select-to-backwards", "alt shift X") {
val editor = it.editor ?: return@registerAction
selectToChar(editor, true)
registerAction("switch-selection", "alt Z") {
val editor = it.editor ?: return@registerAction
val caretModel = editor.caretModel
val allCarets = caretModel.allCarets
allCarets.forEach { caret ->
if (caret.offset < caret.leadSelectionOffset) {
} else {
var bracketPairs = mapOf(
'(' to ')',
'[' to ']',
'{' to '}',
'<' to '>',
'"' to '"',
'\'' to '\'',
'`' to '`',
')' to '(',
']' to '[',
'}' to '{',
'>' to '<',
registerAction("replace-brackets", "alt shift 9") { ev ->
val editor = ev.editor ?: return@registerAction
val project = ev.project ?: return@registerAction
val caretModel = editor.caretModel
val allCarets = caretModel.allCarets
editor.waitForChar { userChar ->
val userOpposite = if (userChar == '-') ('-') else (bracketPairs[userChar] ?: return@waitForChar)
allCarets.forEach { caret ->
// find next or current bracket
val text = editor.document.charsSequence.substring(caret.offset)
text.indexOfAny(bracketPairs.keys.toCharArray()).takeIf { it != -1 }?.let { index ->
val char = text[index]
val charOpposite = bracketPairs[char] ?: return@forEach
val charOppositeIndex = getUnmatchedCharIndex(false, text.substring(index + 1), char, charOpposite) + index + 1
if (charOppositeIndex != -1) {
if (userChar == '-') {
// Delete brackets
"Delete brackets - $char $charOpposite"
) {
editor.document.deleteString(caret.offset + index, caret.offset + index + 1)
caret.offset + charOppositeIndex - 1,
caret.offset + charOppositeIndex
} else {
"Replace brackets - $char $charOpposite - with $userChar $userOpposite"
) {
// replace char with userChar and charOpposite with userOpposite
caret.offset + index,
caret.offset + index + 1,
caret.offset + charOppositeIndex,
caret.offset + charOppositeIndex + 1,
fun getLine(it: Caret): String {
val line = it.editor.document.getLineNumber(it.offset)
val start = it.editor.document.getLineStartOffset(line)
val end = it.editor.document.getLineEndOffset(line)
return it.editor.document.getText(TextRange(start, end))
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Modified select-to-forwards to select up-to next matching word.

registerAction("select-to-forwards", "alt X") {
    val editor = it.editor ?: return@registerAction

fun selectToString(editor: Editor) {
    val document = editor.document

    editor.waitForString { str ->
        val caret = editor.caretModel.primaryCaret
        val text = document.text
        val index = text.indexOf(str, caret.selectionStart)

        if (index != -1) {
            caret.setSelection(caret.selectionStart, index + str.length)

fun Editor.waitForString(callback: (String) -> Unit) {
    val buffer = StringBuilder()

    EditorKeyListener.attach(this) { editor, char, dataContext ->

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BKmetoff commented Sep 9, 2024

hey, thank you for the effort! this is something I was really missing :)

I'm having an issue with selecting text objects, though - the difference between single and double quotes isn't recognized. regardless of whether I press ' or shift ', the selection is applied to single quotes.

I'm using macOS, and I'm trying to find if there's something macOS-specific regarding double quotes, but i'm not finding anything, unfortunately. I'd appreciate any help or hint on this! :)

EDIT: Hang on! there's (probably) a typo in the textObjects array - there's an extra ' after shift QUOTE :D

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