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Last active January 11, 2019 15:14
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web.xml fragment
import org.keycloak.adapters.saml.servlet.SamlFilter;
public class CustomKeycloakSamlFilter extends SamlFilter implements Filter {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain fc) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) servletResponse;
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Context: {0} RequestURI: {1}", new Object[]{request.getServletContext().getContextPath(), request.getRequestURI()});
Optional<Cookie> authToken = sessionUtils.searchCookie(request, SessionConstants.AUTH_TOKEN);
if (authToken.isPresent() && sessionUtils.isValid(authToken.get()) && samlSessionAPI.get(authToken.get().getValue()) != null) {
if (sessionUtils.isLogoutRequest(request)) {
// Kill our custom secret
if (sessionUtils.isCustomLogoutRequest(request)) {
// Remove the shared-context session object
SamlSessionBean samlSessionBean = samlSessionAPI.remove(authToken.get().getValue());
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Session of user {0} killed", samlSessionBean.getSamlSession().getPrincipal().getName());
// Invalidate this session
// No SAMLSession in the current session means that the user did not logged in via this context
if (request.getSession().getAttribute(SamlSession.class.getName()) == null) {
// Trigger the SAML Single Logout from the initial context
response.sendRedirect(samlSessionAPI.get(authToken.get().getValue()).getInitialContextPath() + "/?GLO=true");
} else {
// Leave always the SAMLFilter to deal with the logout request/response
super.doFilter(request, response, fc);
} else {
// All good! Invoke next filter/resource in the chain
fc.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);
} else {
// User has not been authenticated: leave SAMLFilter to deal with it
super.doFilter(request, response, fc);
// User has been authenticated. Create the secret for accesing other contexts
Optional<SamlSession> samlSession = Optional.ofNullable((SamlSession) request.getSession().getAttribute(SamlSession.class.getName()));
if (samlSession.isPresent()) {
authToken = setCookie(response);
storeSession(samlSession, authToken, request.getServletContext().getContextPath());
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