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Created March 14, 2012 11:48
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Many-to-Many association support with batman.js
<div data-addclass-error="channel.errors['name'].length">
<label for="channel_title">Name:</label>
<div class="input">
<input data-bind="" name="channel[name]" id="channel_title"/>
<li data-foreach-category="categories">
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="channel | hasCategory category "/>
<span data-bind=""></span>
# Run the Batman app
$(document).ready ->
class Ems.Category extends Batman.Model
@storageKey: 'categories'
@persist Batman.RestStorage
@url = "/ems/categories"
@hasMany 'channels'
@encode 'id', 'slug', 'name', 'strapline', "created_at", "updated_at"
@encode "created_at", "updated_at", Batman.Encoders.railsDate
@validate 'name', 'strapline', presence: yes
class Ems.Channel extends Batman.Model
@storageKey: 'channels'
@persist Batman.RestStorage
@url = "/ems/channels"
@hasMany 'categories' #, { autoLoad: true }
@encode 'id', 'slug', 'name', "created_at", "updated_at"
@encode "created_at", "updated_at", Batman.Encoders.railsDate
@validate 'name', presence: yes
# Should this static function really be here? This to me is something that should not be handled by the model, I think it would be more
# suitable to a helper, however using a helper in the data-event-change is not stable enough.
# I find the whole concept a little off, as this toggleCategory function can only really be used with a checkbox. Is there a better way
# of doing this?
@toggleCategory: (node, event) ->
category_id = node.getAttribute('id')
# get channel and categories from the controller
channel = Ems.controllers.get('channels').channel
categories = Ems.controllers.get('channels').categories
# retrive the category that was selected/deselected
category = categories.indexedByUnique('id').get(parseInt(category_id))
# first we need to check if we actually have the category with the given ID. If we do, let go ahead and add it, or
# remove it from the channel categories association set.
if category
if node.checked
channel.get("categories").add category
channel.get("categories").remove category
throw "No category found with ID: " + category_id
# Channels helper file
Batman.mixin Batman.Filters,
# Method for identifying which category has an association with which channel
# This is used in the channel/_form.html as a way to check/uncheck the checkboxes.
hasCategory: (channel, category) ->
class Ems.ChannelsController extends Batman.Controller
channels: null
categories: null
index: (params) ->
show: (params) ->
new: (params) ->
@set 'channel', new Ems.Channel
Ems.Category.load (err, cats) =>
throw err if err
categories = new Batman.Set
for i, category of cats
categories.add category
@set 'categories', categories
create: (params) ->
@get('channel').save (err) =>
if err
throw err unless err instanceof Batman.ErrorsSet
Ems.flashSuccess "Channel #{@get('')} created successfully!"
@redirect '/tags'
edit: (params) ->
@set 'channel', Ems.Channel.find parseInt(, (err) ->
throw err if err
Ems.Category.load (err, cats) =>
throw err if err
categories = new Batman.Set
for i, category of cats
categories.add category
@set 'categories', categories
# This console log should print out a set containing 1 category object. However it unfortunately returns an empty
# AssociationSet. When looking at the XHR return from the server I can clearly see the JSON object being returned
# It just doesn't seem to be added the the channels association set of categories.
console?.log @get('channel').get('categories')
# This console log should print out a set containing 1 category object. However it unfortunately returns an empty
# AssociationSet. When looking at the XHR return from the server I can clearly see the JSON object being returned
# It just doesn't seem to be added the the categories association set of channels.
console?.log category.get('channels')
update: ->
@get('channel').save (err) =>
if err
throw err unless err instanceof Batman.ErrorsSet
Ems.flashSuccess "Channel #{@get('channel.title')} updated successfully!"
@redirect '/channels'
# Create our application and namespace.
class Ems extends Batman.App
@global yes
# channel routes
@resources 'channels'
# category routes
@resources 'categories'
@flash: Batman()
get: (key) -> @[key]
set: (key, value) ->
@[key] = value
if value isnt ''
setTimeout =>
@set(key, '')
, 2000
@flashSuccess: (message) -> @set 'flash.success', message
@flashError: (message) -> @set 'flash.error', message
<div id="new-channel" class="row">
<div id="content" class="span16">
<form accept-charset="UTF-8" class="new_channel" id="new_channel" data-formfor-channel="channel" data-event-submit="create">
<div data-partial="channels/_form"></div>
<input type="submit" />
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scottkf commented Jul 7, 2012

Did you ever figure out the problem with the empty association set?

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