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Created April 19, 2012 16:53
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routeTo batman filter - This filter should cater for most routing applications
# Mixin to aid the compilation of routes
# PLEASE NOTE, this does not work with collections or nested routes/resources
# @mixin
# @author Vincent Siebert <[email protected]>
# @copyright (c) 2012 The Beans Group Ltd
Batman.mixin Batman.Filters,
# Filter to aid the compilation of non CRUD routes. Unfortunately because there is no way of resolving a keypath in an object when passing
# in the arguments I had to come up with a convention that enables the filter to retrospectively look up the object.
# This means that the helper will try and resolve any route arguments values which start with a '='. The '=' was chosen to
# signal to the developer that the following statement is going to be evaluated.
# Please see the following information for examples of how this helper can be used
# The following examples assumes that objects foo and bar are accessible in the helper's context
# foo = {'propertyX':'x','differentProperty':'xy'}
# bar = {'propertyY':'y'}
# @example How to use the routeTo filter for route 'foo/:propertyX'
# This will result in 'foo/x'
# data-route="foo | routeTo 'foo'"
# @example Same route as above however manually specifing the property which should be used to replace the route argument
# This will result in 'foo/xy'
# data-route="foo | routeTo {'name:'foo','args':{'propertyX':'=foo.differentProperty'}}"
# @example How to use the routeTo filter for route 'foo/:propertyX/bar/:propertyY'
# This will result in 'foo/x/bar/y'
# data-route="foo | routeTo {'name':'fooBar','args':{'bar':'=bar.propertyY'}}"
# @param
routeTo: (record, opts)->
# because we can deal with either a string or an object as the opts we need to see how we get to the args and route name
# I we are dealing with a string we can assume that its the route name. If we are dealing with an object we need to get
# the route name with is at position name, and the arguments which can be found at position args in the object
if typeof(opts) is 'string'
routeName = opts
args = {}
routeName =
args = opts.args
# now lets try and get the route
if routeName
route = Batman.currentApp.get('routes').routeMap.childrenByName[routeName]
Batman.developer.error("Could not gather routeName from opts '#{opts}'")
# if we have the route lets continue
if route
namedArgs = route.collectionRoute.namedArguments
if namedArgs
specialArgs = {}
specialArgs[obj] = prop.replace('=', '') for obj, prop of args when typeof(prop) is 'string' and prop.indexOf('=') is 0
for specialArg, keyPath of specialArgs
args[specialArg] = @get keyPath
catch error
Batman.developer.error("Could not retrieve value '#{specialArg}' from object, #{error}")
# OK all the hard work is done we can try and populate any missing fields from the main record
args[arg] = record.get(arg) for arg in namedArgs when record.get(arg) isnt (null or undefined) and args[arg] is undefined
Batman.developer.error("Could not find route '#{routeName}'")
# all done, lets get the route's URI
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