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Last active April 4, 2018 15:35
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Classes to abstract the nuisances of loading and saving data from files.
from .base import JSONSource, JSONCollectionSource, JSONNestedDictSource
from .dataset import DataSet, SourceName

Classes to abstract the nuisances of loading and saving data from files.

This classes make it easy an straighforward to load, process and save from a collection of data files.

Given a file structure that looks like:

    ├── agenda-cards.json
    ├── card-backs.json
    ├── command-cards.json
    ├── companion-cards.json
    ├── condition-cards.json
    ├── deployment-cards.json
    ├── hero-class-cards.json
    ├── heroes.json
    ├── imperial-class-cards.json
    ├── rewards-cards.json
    ├── side-mission-cards.json
    ├── skirmish-maps.json
    ├── sources.json
    ├── story-mission-cards.json
    ├── supply-cards.json
    ├── threat-mission-cards.json
    └── upgrade-cards.json

You can now load all files and data by doing:

class SOURCES(DataSet):
    source_class = sources.JSONCollectionSource
    root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
    path = 'raw-data'
    write_path = 'data'
    extension = 'json'

    FORM_CARDS = SourceName('form-cards')
    SOURCE = dataset.SourceName('sources')
    SOURCE_CONTENTS = dataset.SourceName('source-contents')
    SKIRMISH_MAP = dataset.SourceName('skirmish-maps')
    AGENDA = SourceName('agenda-cards')
    AGENDA_DECKS = SourceName('agenda-decks')
    COMMAND = SourceName('command-cards')
    CONDITION = SourceName('condition-cards')
    DEPLOYMENT = SourceName('deployment-cards')
    HERO = SourceName('heroes')
    HERO_CLASS = SourceName('hero-class-cards')
    IMPERIAL_CLASSES = SourceName('imperial-classes')
    IMPERIAL_CLASS_CARD = SourceName('imperial-class-cards')
    SUPPLY = SourceName('supply-cards')
    STORY_MISSION = SourceName('story-mission-cards')
    SIDE_MISSION = SourceName('side-mission-cards')
    REWARD = SourceName('reward-cards')
    COMPANION = SourceName('companion-cards')
    UPGRADE = SourceName('upgrade-cards')
    CARD = SourceName('card-backs')
    THREAT_MISSION = SourceName('threat-mission-cards')

After that you can:

SOURCES.COMPANION.fetch_data()  # Load data from one of the sources

SOURCE.fetch_all()  # To fetch the data from all the sources[0]['name'] = 'Luis'  # To manipulate/access the data

SOURCES.COMPANION.save_data()  # to save the data to the write path

SOURCES.save_all()  # to save the data to the write path

import errno
import json
import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from .exceptions import SourceError, MultipleEntriesDetectedSourceError, EntryNotFoundSourceError
class DataSource:
def fetch_data(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def save_data(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class FileSource(DataSource):
root = None
path = None
write_path = None
source_name = None
default = None
def __init__(self, root=None, path=None, write_path=None, source_name=None, default=None):
self.root = root or self.root
self.path = path or self.path
self.write_path = write_path or self.write_path
self.source_name = source_name or self.source_name
self.default = default or self.default
if not self.write_path:
self.write_path = self.path
if self.default is None:
if os.path.isfile(self.get_read_path()):
raise SourceError(f"{self.get_read_path()} is not a file")
elif not callable(self.default):
raise SourceError("If 'default' is provided, it needs to be a callable")
if not self.is_pathname_valid(self.get_write_path()) or os.path.isdir(self.get_write_path()):
raise SourceError(f"{self.get_write_path()} is not a valid file write path")
if not self.source_name:
self.source_name = '.'.join(os.path.basename(self.path).split('.')[:-1])
def get_read_path(self):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.root, self.path))
def get_write_path(self):
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.root, self.write_path))
def is_pathname_valid(pathname):
`True` if the passed pathname is a valid pathname for the current OS;
`False` otherwise.
# If this pathname is either not a string or is but is empty, this pathname
# is invalid.
if not isinstance(pathname, str) or not pathname:
return False
# Strip this pathname's Windows-specific drive specifier (e.g., `C:\`)
# if any. Since Windows prohibits path components from containing `:`
# characters, failing to strip this `:`-suffixed prefix would
# erroneously invalidate all valid absolute Windows pathnames.
_, pathname = os.path.splitdrive(pathname)
# Directory guaranteed to exist. If the current OS is Windows, this is
# the drive to which Windows was installed (e.g., the "%HOMEDRIVE%"
# environment variable); else, the typical root directory.
root_dirname = os.environ.get('HOMEDRIVE', 'C:') \
if sys.platform == 'win32' else os.path.sep
assert os.path.isdir(root_dirname) # ...Murphy and her ironclad Law
# Append a path separator to this directory if needed.
root_dirname = root_dirname.rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
# Test whether each path component split from this pathname is valid or
# not, ignoring non-existent and non-readable path components.
for pathname_part in pathname.split(os.path.sep):
os.lstat(root_dirname + pathname_part)
# If an OS-specific exception is raised, its error code
# indicates whether this pathname is valid or not. Unless this
# is the case, this exception implies an ignorable kernel or
# filesystem complaint (e.g., path not found or inaccessible).
# Only the following exceptions indicate invalid pathnames:
# * Instances of the Windows-specific "WindowsError" class
# defining the "winerror" attribute whose value is
# "ERROR_INVALID_NAME". Under Windows, "winerror" is more
# fine-grained and hence useful than the generic "errno"
# attribute. When a too-long pathname is passed, for example,
# "errno" is "ENOENT" (i.e., no such file or directory) rather
# than "ENAMETOOLONG" (i.e., file name too long).
# * Instances of the cross-platform "OSError" class defining the
# generic "errno" attribute whose value is either:
# * Under most POSIX-compatible OSes, "ENAMETOOLONG".
# * Under some edge-case OSes (e.g., SunOS, *BSD), "ERANGE".
except OSError as exc:
if hasattr(exc, 'winerror'):
if exc.winerror == ERROR_INVALID_NAME:
return False
elif exc.errno in {errno.ENAMETOOLONG, errno.ERANGE}:
return False
# If a "TypeError" exception was raised, it almost certainly has the
# error message "embedded NUL character" indicating an invalid pathname.
except TypeError:
return False
# If no exception was raised, all path components and hence this
# pathname itself are valid. (Praise be to the curmudgeonly python.)
return True
class JSONSource(FileSource):
indent = 2
ensure_ascii = False
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.indent = kwargs.pop('indent', self.indent)
self.ensure_ascii = kwargs.pop('ensure_ascii', self.ensure_ascii)
def fetch_data(self):
if self.default is not None and not os.path.isfile(self.get_read_path()):
data = self.default()
with open(self.get_read_path(), 'r') as file_object:
data = json.load(file_object, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
setattr(self, 'data', data)
return data
def set_data(self, data):
setattr(self, 'data', data)
def save_data(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.get_write_path()):
with open(self.get_write_path(), 'w') as file_object:
getattr(self, 'data'),
class JSONMemorySource(JSONSource):
default = dict
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) = self.recursive_defaultdict()
def recursive_defaultdict(self):
return defaultdict(self.recursive_defaultdict)
def recursive_dict_transform(self, data):
memory = self.recursive_defaultdict()
for source in data.keys():
for field_name in data[source].keys():
for pk in data[source][field_name].keys():
memory[source][field_name][int(pk) if pk.isdigit() else pk] = data[source][field_name][pk]
return memory
def fetch_data(self):
data = super().fetch_data() = self.recursive_dict_transform(data)
def set_data(self, data):
super().set_data(data) = self.recursive_dict_transform(
class JSONCollectionSource(JSONSource):
default = list
def filter(self, **kwargs):
return [m for m in if all([k in m and m.get(k) == v for k, v in kwargs.items()])]
def set_data(self, data=None):
if data is None:
data = self.default()
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise ValueError('Data value should be a list') = data
def add_entry(self, entry):
def get(self, **kwargs):
filtered = self.filter(**kwargs)
if len(filtered) > 1:
raise MultipleEntriesDetectedSourceError()
elif len(filtered) == 0:
raise EntryNotFoundSourceError()
return filtered[0]
import os
from .base import DataSource
class SourceName(str):
class DataSetBase:
def fetch_data(cls):
for source in cls.as_list:
def save_data(cls):
for source in cls.as_list:
def add_sources(cls, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(cls, k, v)
cls.as_dict[v.source_name] = v
class DatasetMetaclass(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
required = ['source_class', 'root', 'path', 'extension']
if all([dct.get(key) for key in required]):
dct['root'] = os.path.abspath(dct['root'])
dct['path'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dct['root'], dct['path']))
if 'write_path' not in dct:
dct['write_path'] = dct['path']
dct['write_path'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dct['root'], dct['write_path']))
dct['as_list'] = []
dct['as_dict'] = {}
for identifier, source_name in [(k, v) for k, v in dct.items() if isinstance(v, SourceName)]:
file_name = source_name if not dct['extension'] else f"{source_name}.{dct['extension']}"
dct[identifier] = dct['source_class'](
path=os.path.join(dct['path'], file_name),
write_path=os.path.join(dct['write_path'], file_name)
dct['as_dict'][source_name] = dct[identifier]
for identifier, source in [(k, v) for k, v in dct.items() if isinstance(v, DataSource)]:
dct['as_dict'][source.source_name] = source
bases = tuple(list(bases) + [DataSetBase])
cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)
return cls
class DataSet(metaclass=DatasetMetaclass):
source_class = None
root = None
path = None
write_path = None
extension = None
class SourceError(Exception):
class MultipleEntriesDetectedSourceError(SourceError):
class EntryNotFoundSourceError(SourceError):
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