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Created May 16, 2020 05:03
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draw binja analyzed executable as treemap
#!/usr/bin/env python
# draw binary (as decomposed with Binary Ninja) in a treemap
# $ ./ /path/to/mybinary.exe
# then check /tmp/tmp.png
import os
import sys
import math
import binaryninja
from binaryninja.binaryview import BinaryViewType
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from aligned_treemap import treemap
# globals
(width, height) = (1024, 1024)
font = ImageFont.truetype('Andale Mono', 12)
(tw8,th8) = font.getsize('12345678')
def rectangle(draw, x0, y0, x1, y1, settings):
global font
(w,h) = (x1-x0, y1-y0)
draw.rectangle((x0, y0, x1-1, y1-1), outline=settings['outline'], fill=settings['fill'])
label = settings['label']
for font_size in range(12,1,-1):
font = ImageFont.truetype('Andale Mono', font_size)
(tw,th) = font.getsize(label)
if tw<w and th<h: break
(tw,th) = font.getsize(label)
if settings.get('center_text', False):
(x,y) = (x0+w//2 - tw//2, y0+h//2-th//2)
(x,y) = (x0+w//2 - tw//2, y0)
draw.text((x,y), label, font=font, fill=settings['text_color'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
bv = BinaryViewType.get_view_of_file(sys.argv[1])
img ='RGB', (width,width))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
# calculate segments
seg2rect = {}
sizes = [len(s) for s in bv.segments]
labels = list(map(str, range(len(bv.segments))))
tm = treemap.squarify(sizes=sizes, x=0, y=0, dx=width, dy=height, labels=labels)
for entry in tm:
rcoords = (entry['x'], entry['y'], entry['x']+entry['dx'], entry['y']+entry['dy'])
segment_index = int(entry['label'])
seg2rect[bv.segments[segment_index]] = rcoords
# draw segments
for (seg, rect) in seg2rect.items():
settings = {'outline':(0,0,0), 'fill':(0xbe,0xae,0xd4), 'text_color':(0,0,0), 'label':str(seg)}
rectangle(draw, *rect, settings)
# calculate sections
sec2rect = {}
#for i in range(0):
margin = th8+4
for (seg, rect) in seg2rect.items():
sections = [s for s in bv.sections.values() if s.start >= seg.start and s.end <= seg.end]
print('in segment %s we have sections:' % str(seg))
sizes = [len(s) for s in sections]
labels = list(map(str, range(len(sections))))
tm = treemap.squarify(sizes=sizes, x=rect[0]+margin, y=rect[1]+margin, dx=rect[2]-rect[0]-2*margin, dy=rect[3]-rect[1]-2*margin, labels=labels)
for entry in tm:
rcoords = (entry['x'], entry['y'], entry['x']+entry['dx'], entry['y']+entry['dy'])
section_index = int(entry['label'])
sec2rect[sections[section_index]] = rcoords
# draw sections
for (sec, rect) in sec2rect.items():
settings = {'outline':(0,0,0), 'fill':(0x7F,0xC9,0x7F), 'text_color':(0,0,0), 'label'}
rectangle(draw, *rect, settings)
# calculate/draw functions
for (sec, rect) in sec2rect.items():
funcs = []
lengths = []
for f in bv.functions:
length = sum([len(z) for z in [bb for bb in f.basic_blocks if bb.start >= sec.start and bb.end <= sec.end]])
if length:
print('adding function ',
if not lengths:
labels = list(map(str, range(len(funcs))))
print('sizes: ', lengths)
print('labels: ', labels)
tm = treemap.squarify(sizes=lengths, x=rect[0]+margin, y=rect[1]+margin, dx=rect[2]-rect[0]-2*margin, dy=rect[3]-rect[1]-2*margin, labels=labels)
for entry in tm:
rcoords = (entry['x'], entry['y'], entry['x']+entry['dx'], entry['y']+entry['dy'])
func = funcs[int(entry['label'])]
settings = {'outline':(0,0,0), 'fill':(0xFD,0xC0,0x86), 'text_color':(0,0,0), 'label''()', 'center_text':True}
print('drawing function %s' %
rectangle(draw, *rcoords, settings)'/tmp/tmp.png')
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