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Created December 1, 2024 19:13
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  • Save lychees/c199fb77015d5dec20d659c0bffecb7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lychees/c199fb77015d5dec20d659c0bffecb7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. 有用的素数只有8个,随便搜。
#include <lastweapon/io>
using namespace lastweapon;
const int PMAX = 10000;
VI P; bitset<PMAX> isC;
#define ii (i*P[j])
void sieve(){
FOR(i, 2, PMAX){
if (!isC[i]) P.PB(i);
for (int j=0;j<SZ(P)&&ii<PMAX;++j){
isC[ii]=1; if (!(i%P[j])) break;
#undef ii
const int N = 121;
int f[N];
int a(int n) {
f[0] = 0, f[1] = 1 % n;
set<PII> S; S.insert({f[0], f[1]});
FOR_1(i, 2, 121) {
f[i] = (f[i-1] + f[i-2]) % n; PII p = {f[i-1], f[i]};
if (CTN(S, p)) return i-1;
return 0;
LL z = 0;
void dfs(LL n = 1, int k = 0, int an = 1) {
//cout<<n << " " << k << " " << an << endl;
if (!an || k >= SZ(P)) {
} else {
int p = P[k++], pp = p, ap = a(p); dfs(n, k, an);
if (ap == 0) return;
while (ap <= 120) {
int t = lcm(an, ap); if (!t || 120 % t) break;
if (n*pp>1000000000) break;
if (t == 120) {
//cout << n*pp << " " << ap << " " << p << endl;
z += n*pp;
dfs(n*pp, k, t); pp *= p; ap *= p;
int main() {
freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
//freopen("/Users/minakokojima/Documents/GitHub/ACM-Training/Workspace/out.txt", "w", stdout);
//REP_1(i, 120) cout << a(i) << endl;
cout << SZ(P) << endl;
VI PP = P; P.clear();
for (auto p: PP) {
//if (p>5 && ((p-1)%120) && ((2*p+2)%120)) {
//} else {
int ap = a(p);
if (ap && !(120%ap)) {
cout << p << endl;
cout << SZ(P) << endl;
cout << z << endl;
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