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Last active June 3, 2016 19:32
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My Python spin on this:
import math
import random
import sys
from copy import copy
from optparse import OptionParser
elements = \
{'Actinium': {'value': 317, 'weight': 149},
'Aluminium': {'value': 343, 'weight': 195},
'Americium': {'value': 365, 'weight': 66},
'Antimony': {'value': 479, 'weight': 28},
'Argon': {'value': 395, 'weight': 317},
'Arsenic': {'value': 393, 'weight': 213},
'Astatine': {'value': 210, 'weight': 392},
'Barium': {'value': 417, 'weight': 307},
'Berkelium': {'value': 458, 'weight': 289},
'Beryllium': {'value': 387, 'weight': 405},
'Bismuth': {'value': 497, 'weight': 33},
'Bohrium': {'value': 479, 'weight': 236},
'Boron': {'value': 174, 'weight': 12},
'Bromine': {'value': 199, 'weight': 114},
'Cadmium': {'value': 394, 'weight': 411},
'Caesium': {'value': 416, 'weight': 361},
'Calcium': {'value': 395, 'weight': 281},
'Californium': {'value': 322, 'weight': 302},
'Carbon': {'value': 483, 'weight': 298},
'Cerium': {'value': 414, 'weight': 259},
'Chlorine': {'value': 460, 'weight': 56},
'Chromium': {'value': 295, 'weight': 299},
'Cobalt': {'value': 249, 'weight': 288},
'Copernicium': {'value': 460, 'weight': 251},
'Copper': {'value': 314, 'weight': 91},
'Curium': {'value': 407, 'weight': 393},
'Darmstadtium': {'value': 344, 'weight': 308},
'Dubnium': {'value': 187, 'weight': 168},
'Dysprosium': {'value': 128, 'weight': 166},
'Einsteinium': {'value': 94, 'weight': 455},
'Erbium': {'value': 399, 'weight': 432},
'Europium': {'value': 271, 'weight': 409},
'Fermium': {'value': 347, 'weight': 216},
'Fluorine': {'value': 306, 'weight': 414},
'Francium': {'value': 253, 'weight': 433},
'Gadolinium': {'value': 231, 'weight': 86},
'Gallium': {'value': 254, 'weight': 470},
'Germanium': {'value': 25, 'weight': 77},
'Gold': {'value': 267, 'weight': 339},
'Hafnium': {'value': 101, 'weight': 138},
'Hassium': {'value': 353, 'weight': 201},
'Helium': {'value': 380, 'weight': 309},
'Holmium': {'value': 109, 'weight': 54},
'Hydrogen': {'value': 400, 'weight': 389},
'Indium': {'value': 329, 'weight': 322},
'Iodine': {'value': 253, 'weight': 345},
'Iridium': {'value': 68, 'weight': 121},
'Iron': {'value': 360, 'weight': 422},
'Krypton': {'value': 8, 'weight': 490},
'Lanthanum': {'value': 453, 'weight': 291},
'Lawrencium': {'value': 351, 'weight': 84},
'Lead': {'value': 395, 'weight': 65},
'Lithium': {'value': 424, 'weight': 339},
'Lutetium': {'value': 224, 'weight': 311},
'Magnesium': {'value': 98, 'weight': 327},
'Manganese': {'value': 447, 'weight': 114},
'Meitnerium': {'value': 307, 'weight': 278},
'Mendelevium': {'value': 331, 'weight': 304},
'Mercury': {'value': 438, 'weight': 259},
'Molybdenum': {'value': 343, 'weight': 147},
'Neodymium': {'value': 475, 'weight': 127},
'Neon': {'value': 127, 'weight': 149},
'Neptunium': {'value': 300, 'weight': 117},
'Nickel': {'value': 482, 'weight': 458},
'Niobium': {'value': 375, 'weight': 56},
'Nitrogen': {'value': 303, 'weight': 409},
'Nobelium': {'value': 236, 'weight': 49},
'Osmium': {'value': 490, 'weight': 208},
'Oxygen': {'value': 497, 'weight': 432},
'Palladium': {'value': 387, 'weight': 353},
'Phosphorus': {'value': 157, 'weight': 49},
'Platinum': {'value': 29, 'weight': 182},
'Plutonium': {'value': 455, 'weight': 106},
'Polonium': {'value': 394, 'weight': 293},
'Potassium': {'value': 221, 'weight': 383},
'Praseodymium': {'value': 83, 'weight': 58},
'Promethium': {'value': 480, 'weight': 11},
'Protactinium': {'value': 50, 'weight': 457},
'Radium': {'value': 109, 'weight': 303},
'Radon': {'value': 203, 'weight': 116},
'Rhenium': {'value': 141, 'weight': 480},
'Rhodium': {'value': 428, 'weight': 418},
'Roentgenium': {'value': 201, 'weight': 171},
'Rubidium': {'value': 367, 'weight': 278},
'Ruthenium': {'value': 214, 'weight': 325},
'Rutherfordium': {'value': 233, 'weight': 345},
'Samarium': {'value': 192, 'weight': 361},
'Scandium': {'value': 79, 'weight': 394},
'Seaborgium': {'value': 125, 'weight': 361},
'Selenium': {'value': 96, 'weight': 419},
'Silicon': {'value': 122, 'weight': 356},
'Silver': {'value': 429, 'weight': 182},
'Sodium': {'value': 341, 'weight': 247},
'Strontium': {'value': 159, 'weight': 310},
'Sulfur': {'value': 438, 'weight': 151},
'Tantalum': {'value': 397, 'weight': 177},
'Technetium': {'value': 105, 'weight': 123},
'Tellurium': {'value': 305, 'weight': 443},
'Terbium': {'value': 75, 'weight': 100},
'Thallium': {'value': 425, 'weight': 342},
'Thorium': {'value': 129, 'weight': 342},
'Thulium': {'value': 395, 'weight': 361},
'Tin': {'value': 436, 'weight': 490},
'Titanium': {'value': 303, 'weight': 377},
'Tungsten': {'value': 234, 'weight': 14},
'Ununhexium': {'value': 449, 'weight': 459},
'Ununoctium': {'value': 411, 'weight': 184},
'Ununpentium': {'value': 497, 'weight': 145},
'Ununquadium': {'value': 113, 'weight': 282},
'Ununseptium': {'value': 7, 'weight': 327},
'Ununtrium': {'value': 52, 'weight': 158},
'Uranium': {'value': 77, 'weight': 118},
'Vanadium': {'value': 308, 'weight': 381},
'Xenon': {'value': 19, 'weight': 463},
'Ytterbium': {'value': 222, 'weight': 417},
'Yttrium': {'value': 109, 'weight': 175},
'Zinc': {'value': 140, 'weight': 104},
'Zirconium': {'value': 288, 'weight': 453}}
class Chromosome(object):
def __init__(self, members, weight=0, value=0, max_weight=1000, mutation_rate=0.6, score=0):
self.members = members
self.weight = weight
self.value = value
self.max_weight = max_weight
self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
self.score = score
for element in self.members:
if self.members[element].get('active') is None:
self.members[element]['active'] = int(round(random.random()))
def mutate(self):
if self.mutation_rate < random.random():
return False
element = self.members.keys()[random.randint(0, len(self.members.keys()) - 1)]
self.members[element]['active'] = 0 if self.members[element]['active'] else 1
def calc_score(self):
if self.score:
return self.score
self.value = 0
self.weight = 0
self.score = 0
for element in self.members:
if self.members[element]['active']:
self.value += self.members[element]['value']
self.weight += self.members[element]['weight']
self.score = self.value
if self.weight > self.max_weight:
self.score -= (self.weight - self.max_weight) * 10
return self.score
def mate_with(self, other):
child1 = {}
child2 = {}
i = 0
for element in self.members:
if i % 2 == 0:
child1[element] = copy(self.members[element])
child2[element] = copy(other.members[element])
child2[element] = copy(self.members[element])
child1[element] = copy(other.members[element])
i += 1
child1 = Chromosome(child1)
child2 = Chromosome(child2)
return [child1, child2]
class Population(object):
def __init__(self, size=20, elems=elements):
self.size = size
self.elements = elems
self.elitism = 0.2
self.chromosomes = []
def fill(self):
while len(self.chromosomes) < self.size:
if len(self.chromosomes) < self.size / 3:
def sort(self):
self.chromosomes.sort(key=lambda x: x.calc_score(), reverse=True)
def kill(self):
target = math.floor(self.elitism * len(self.chromosomes))
while len(self.chromosomes) > target:
def mate(self):
key1 = self.chromosomes[random.randint(0, len(self.chromosomes) - 1)]
key2 = key1
while key2 == key1:
key2 = self.chromosomes[random.randint(0, len(self.chromosomes) - 1)]
children = key1.mate_with(key2)
self.chromosomes += children
def generation(self, reset=False):
if reset:
self = Population(self.size, self.elements)
def display(self, generation_num, no_improvement):
print "Generation:\t%s" % generation_num
print "Best Value:\t%s" % self.chromosomes[0].score
print "Weight:\t\t%s" % self.chromosomes[0].weight
print "No change in:\t%s\n" % no_improvement
def main(threshold=500):
p = Population()
no_improvement = 0
generation_num = 0
while True:
if no_improvement < threshold:
last_score = p.chromosomes[0].calc_score()
if last_score >= p.chromosomes[0].calc_score():
no_improvement += 1
no_improvement = 0
generation_num += 1
if generation_num % 10 == 0:
p.display(generation_num, no_improvement)
if p.chromosomes[0].weight > p.chromosomes[0].max_weight:
no_improvement = 0
p.display(generation_num, no_improvement)
if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
parser = OptionParser(usage)
parser.add_option("-t", "--threshold", type="int", dest="threshold",
default=500, help="Number of generations with no change")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
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