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Last active April 21, 2024 16:05
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DNS based service discovery for Nomad (Using CoreDNS). Workaround for
.: {
# auto: automatically pick up file changes
auto service.nomad {
directory local/zones
reload 1s
$TTL 0
$ORIGIN service.nomad.
@ IN SOA ns1.service.nomad. hostmaster.service.nomad.(
{{ timestamp "unix" }} ; Serial number
28800 ; Refresh period (8 hours)
7200 ; Retry interval (2 hour)
864000 ; Expiration time (10 days)
3600 ; Minimum TTL (1 hour)
IN NS ns1.service.nomad.
{{- $rr_a := sprig_list -}}
{{- $rr_srv := sprig_list -}}
{{- /* Iterate over all of the registered Nomad services */ -}}
{{- range nomadServices -}}
{{ $service := . }}
{{- /* Iterate over all of the instances of a services */ -}}
{{- range nomadService $service.Name -}}
{{ $svc := . }}
{{- /* Generate a uniq label for IP */ -}}
{{- $node := $svc.Address | md5sum | sprig_trunc 8 }}
{{- /* Record A & SRV RRs */ -}}
{{- $rr_a = sprig_append $rr_a (sprig_list $svc.Name $svc.Address) -}}
{{- $rr_a = sprig_append $rr_a (sprig_list $node $svc.Address) -}}
{{- $rr_srv = sprig_append $rr_srv (sprig_list $svc.Name $svc.Port $node) -}}
{{- /* Iterate over tags */ -}}
{{- range $svc.Tags -}}
{{- $tag := . -}}
{{- /* Record A & SRV RRs */ -}}
{{- $rr_a = sprig_append $rr_a (sprig_list (printf "%s.%v" $tag $svc.Name) $svc.Address) -}}
{{- $rr_srv = sprig_append $rr_srv (sprig_list (printf "%s.%v" $tag $svc.Name) $svc.Port $node) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* Iterate over lists and print everything */ -}}
{{- range $rr_a | sprig_uniq -}}
{{ printf "%-45s %s %4s %s" (index . 0) "IN" "A" (sprig_last . ) }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $rr_srv -}}
{{ printf "%-45s %s %4s %d %d %6d %s" (index . 0) "IN" "SRV" 0 0 (index . 1) (index . 2) }}
{{ end -}}
$TTL 0
$ORIGIN service.nomad.
@ IN SOA ns1.service.nomad. hostmaster.service.nomad.(
1681488575 ; Serial number
28800 ; Refresh period (8 hours)
7200 ; Retry interval (2 hour)
864000 ; Expiration time (10 days)
3600 ; Minimum TTL (1 hour)
IN NS ns1.service.nomad.
dc865212 IN A
6c7eb8e0 IN A
b8d6f155 IN A
whoami IN A
bar.whoami IN A
foo.whoami IN A
baz.whoami IN A
whoami IN A
bar.whoami IN A
foo.whoami IN A
baz.whoami IN A
whoami IN SRV 0 0 23396 b8d6f155
bar.whoami IN SRV 0 0 23396 b8d6f155
foo.whoami IN SRV 0 0 23396 b8d6f155
whoami IN SRV 0 0 31486 b8d6f155
baz.whoami IN SRV 0 0 31486 b8d6f155
foo.whoami IN SRV 0 0 31486 b8d6f155
whoami IN SRV 0 0 23242 6c7eb8e0
bar.whoami IN SRV 0 0 23242 6c7eb8e0
foo.whoami IN SRV 0 0 23242 6c7eb8e0
whoami IN SRV 0 0 28488 6c7eb8e0
baz.whoami IN SRV 0 0 28488 6c7eb8e0
foo.whoami IN SRV 0 0 28488 6c7eb8e0
$ nomad service info whoami
Job ID Address Tags Node ID Alloc ID
whoami [foo,bar] 3b23e0a5 45d301b5
whoami [foo,baz] 3b23e0a5 45d301b5
whoami [foo,bar] aa074fe2 506a2bf0
whoami [foo,baz] aa074fe2 506a2bf0
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I've had a hard time with some empty service names breaking the DNS file. If anyone else comes accross this, simple add an if statement around the record block – or do whatever you want to skip the service with an empty name 😁

        {{- if $svc.Name -}}
            {{- /* Record A & SRV RRs */ -}}
            {{- $rr_a = sprig_append $rr_a (sprig_list $svc.Name $svc.Address) -}}
            {{- $rr_a = sprig_append $rr_a (sprig_list $node $svc.Address) -}}
            {{- $rr_srv = sprig_append $rr_srv (sprig_list $svc.Name $svc.Port $node) -}}
        {{- end -}}

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