Create a template service file at /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
. The template parameter will correspond to the name
of target host:
Description=Setup a secure tunnel to %I
Create a template service file at /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
. The template parameter will correspond to the name
of target host:
Description=Setup a secure tunnel to %I
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS getTopLevelDomain; | |
CREATE FUNCTION getTopLevelDomain (strURL varchar(1000), level tinyint) | |
RETURNS varchar(1000) | |
IF ISNULL(level) THEN | |
SET level = 2; | |
END IF; | |
IF POSITION('http://' IN strURL) > 0 OR POSITION('https://' IN strURL) > 0 | |
File inputFile = new File(_1);LineNumberReader reader = inputFile.newReader(); | |
def outputLine = ''; | |
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { | |
def cleanLine = line.trim(); | |
def m = cleanLine =~ /private const\\\s(.*)\\\s=/; | |
if (m.size() > 0) { | |
outputLine = outputLine + ' * @method static ' + _2 + ' ' + m[0][1] + '''()\n'''; | |
}; | |
}; | |
return outputLine + ''; |
<?php | |
$forMonth = '2023-11-01'; | |
$months = [ | |
1 => 'Янв', 2 => 'Фев', 3 => 'Мар', 4 => 'Апр', | |
5 => 'Май', 6 => 'Июн', 7 => 'Июл', 8 => 'Авг', | |
9 => 'Сен', 10 => 'Окт', 11 => 'Ноя', 12 => 'Дек' | |
]; |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Creating PDF from images with OCR | |
# | |
# brew install tesseract tesseract-lang pdftk-java | |
# | |
mkdir -p pdf_output | |
for file in $(ls RU_*.jpg | awk -F'[_\.]' '{ printf "%s\t%s\n", $2, $0 }' | sort -k1,1n | cut -f2-); do |