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Last active June 14, 2019 21:49
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  • Save m4p/b8f449f2eec6283b7ad77f58c29d3ed8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save m4p/b8f449f2eec6283b7ad77f58c29d3ed8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import pysubs2
import re
import sys
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
print (sys.argv[1])
subs = pysubs2.load(sys.argv[1], encoding="utf-8")
xml = ''
colors = []
for line in subs:
newline = escape(line.text)
matches = re.findall(r"\{\\c&H(......)&\}", newline)
for match in matches:
if match not in colors:
newline = re.sub(r"\{\\c&amp;H%s&amp;\}" % matches[0], "<s p=\"%i\">" % colors.index(matches[0]), newline)
newline = re.sub(r"\{\\c&amp;H%s&amp;\}" % matches[1], "</s><s p=\"%i\">" % colors.index(matches[1]), newline)
newline = re.sub(r"$", "\n</s>", newline)
line.text = newline
head = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<timedtext format="3">
<wp id="0" ap="6" ah="0" av="100"/>
<ws id="0" ju="0" pd="0" sd="0" />
xml = xml + head
for color in colors:
coldecl = " <pen id=\"%i\" sz=\"75\" fc=\"#%s\" fo=\"255\" bo=\"0\" et=\"3\" ec=\"#000000\"/>\n" % (colors.index(color), color)
xml = xml + coldecl
middle = """ </head>
xml = xml + middle
n = 2
lines = []
events = []
for line in subs:
lines = lines[-n:]
for i in range(0, len(events)-1):
duration = 3000
if (i < len(events)-1):
duration = events[i+1][-1].start - events[i][-1].start
eventheader = " <p t=\"%i\" d=\"%i\" wp=\"0\" ws=\"0\">\n" % (events[i][-1].start,duration)
xml = xml + eventheader
for j in range(0, len(events[i])):
line = events[i][j]
if (j<len(events[i])-1):
eventstring = line.text
xml = xml + (eventstring)
eventstring = line.text
eventstring = re.sub(r"\n</s>", "</s>", eventstring)
xml = xml + (eventstring)
eventfooter = " </p>\n"
xml = xml + (eventfooter)
footer = """</body></timedtext>"""
xml = xml + footer
text_file = open(sys.argv[1]+".xml", "w")
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m4p commented Jun 14, 2019

Converts twitch chat logs downloaded with tcd to a colored subtitle format ready for youtube archival.

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