Create a 10 year certificate. The "Common Name" (CN) must be the static IP of the instance.
openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 3650
Run the SoftEther docker with either of the following:
- A Single User, SSTP only. Not updated recently (7 years ago at the time of creating the gist)
sudo docker run -d --cap-add NET_ADMIN -e SSTP_ENABLED=1 -e USERNAME=YOUR_VPN_USERNAME -e PASSWORD=YOU_VPN_PASS -e SERVER_PWD=YOUR_SERVER_PASS -e CERT="$(cat cert.pem)" -e KEY="$(cat key.pem)" -p 443:443/tcp fernandezcuesta/softethervpn
- A more recently updated docker image, with all VPN protocols working (OpenVPN, SoftEther and SSTP)
sudo docker run -d -e VPNCMD_SERVER="SstpEnable yes" --cap-add NET_ADMIN -e USERNAME=YOUR_VPN_USERNAME -e PASSWORD=YOU_VPN_PASS -e SERVER_PWD=YOUR_SERVER_PASS -e CERT="$(cat cert.pem)" -e KEY="$(cat key.pem)" -p 500:500/udp -p 4500:4500/udp -p 1701:1701/tcp -p 1194:1194/udp -p 5555:5555/tcp -p 443:443/tcp siomiz/softethervpn:ubuntu
You also need to allow connections over port 443 (You need to look into your provider console)
Get the certificate locally
scp USERNAME@REMOTE_IP_ADDR:/cert.pem ./server.crt
Add the connection in the native SSTP windows client and voila!
With openssl you create
and copy it to your local windows machine to install it. You will have to install it by following this https://gist.github.com/ma7555/611a6b5ff38d38b60c64d6377565f1d3#on-windows-client