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Created December 12, 2023 08:04
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 11
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
$input = "...#......
final readonly class Galaxies
public function __construct(
public int $x,
public int $y,
) {
public function distance(Galaxies $other, Collection $emptyColumns, Collection $emptyRows, int $multiplier): int
$emptyColumnCount = $emptyColumns
->filter(fn (int $row): bool => $row > min($this->x, $other->x) && $row < max($this->x, $other->x))
$emptyRowCount = $emptyRows
->filter(fn (int $row): bool => $row > min($this->y, $other->y) && $row < max($this->y, $other->y))
return abs($this->x - $other->x) + ($emptyColumnCount * $multiplier - $emptyColumnCount)
+ abs($this->y - $other->y) + ($emptyRowCount * $multiplier - $emptyRowCount);
$rows = Str::of($input)->explode(PHP_EOL);
$galaxies = $rows
->map(static function (string $line, int $y): array {
preg_match_all('/#/', $line, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
return Arr::map($matches[0], static fn (array $galaxies) => new Galaxies($galaxies[1], $y));
->sortBy(['y', 'x'])
$emptyColumns = Collection::range(0, strlen($rows->first()) - 1)
->map(static fn (Galaxies $galaxies): int => $galaxies->x)
$emptyRows = Collection::range(0, $rows->count() - 1)
->map(static fn (Galaxies $galaxies): int => $galaxies->y)
$combos = $galaxies->reduce(
static function (Collection $combos, Galaxies $left, int $index) use ($galaxies) {
->skip($index + 1)
->each(static fn (Galaxies $right) => $combos->add([$left, $right]));
return $combos;
new Collection(),
$part1 = $combos
->reduce(static function (int $sum, array $combo) use ($emptyColumns, $emptyRows): int {
[$left, $right] = $combo;
return $sum + $left->distance($right, $emptyColumns, $emptyRows, 2);
}, 0);
$part2 = $combos
->reduce(static function (int $sum, array $combo) use ($emptyColumns, $emptyRows): int {
[$left, $right] = $combo;
return $sum + $left->distance($right, $emptyColumns, $emptyRows, 1000000);
}, 0);
$result = [$part1, $part2];
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