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Created August 13, 2013 19:51
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Huffman decoding. FP/Scala solution to TopCoder problem
object HuffMannDecode {
abstract class BinTree {
def add(repr: List[Char], c:Char): BinTree = {
def add(tree: BinTree, repr: List[Char], c:Char): BinTree = {
(repr, tree) match {
case (Nil, EmptyTree) => Leaf(c)
case ('0'::tail, EmptyTree) => Node(add(EmptyTree,tail,c),EmptyTree)
case ('1'::tail, EmptyTree) => Node(EmptyTree, add(EmptyTree,tail,c))
case ('0'::tail, Node(left, right)) => Node(add(left,tail,c),right)
case ('1'::tail, Node(left, right)) => Node(left, add(right,tail,c))
add(this, repr, c)
case class Node(left: BinTree, right:BinTree) extends BinTree
case class Leaf(value: Char) extends BinTree
object EmptyTree extends BinTree
object BinTree {
def apply():BinTree = EmptyTree
def decodeHuffman(encoded:String, tree:BinTree):String = {
def decode_i(chars:List[Char], node: BinTree):List[Char] = {
(chars, node) match {
case (Nil, Leaf(c)) => List(c)
case (Nil, _) => List()
case (l, Leaf(c)) => c::decode_i(l, tree)
case ('0'::tail, Node(left,right)) => decode_i(tail, left)
case ('1'::tail, Node(left,right)) => decode_i(tail, right)
val dec = decode_i(encoded.toList, tree)
def decode(archive:String, dictionary: Array[String]): String = {
val dictionaryWithLetters ='A' to ('A'+dictionary.length).toChar)
val decodeTree = dictionaryWithLetters.foldLeft(BinTree())( {case (tree,(str,letter)) => tree.add(str.toList,letter)})
decodeHuffman(archive, decodeTree)
// Example
val dict = Array("110","011","10","0011","00011","111","00010","0010","010","0000")
val data = "001101100101100110111101011001011001010"
decode(data, dict) //> res0: String = DBHABBACAIAIC
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