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LG WebOStv - Play games on RetroArch from USB drive
# === For rooted LG TVs with WebOsBrew installed only ===
# On LG WebOStv, RetroArch only have access to a few jailed folders so to run games on a usb drive,
# we need to 'merge' the USB mounting point with one of those jailed folders using OverlayFS.
# The scripts on folder '/var/lib/webosbrew/init.d/' will run after every tv boot.
# Remove the $STARTUP_FOLDER/$SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT and reboot to revert the change.
# Tested on 7.3.0-03.30.72
# Steps:
# - Copy this script to a pen drive and insert it to the TV
# - Check if the folder '/tmp/usb/sda/sda1/' exists and have the content of your pen drive.
# - Run the script
# The folder structure might be different depending of your TV version
set -euo pipefail
echo -e "#!/bin/bash \nmount -t overlay -olowerdir=${JAILED_FOLDER}:${USB_MOUTING_POINT1},nofail overlay ${JAILED_FOLDER}" > $STARTUP_FOLDER/$SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT
echo -e "\nmount -t overlay -olowerdir=${JAILED_FOLDER}:${USB_MOUTING_POINT2},nofail overlay ${JAILED_FOLDER}" > $STARTUP_FOLDER/$SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT
echo -e "\nmount -t overlay -olowerdir=${JAILED_FOLDER}:${USB_MOUTING_POINT3},nofail overlay ${JAILED_FOLDER}" > $STARTUP_FOLDER/$SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT
echo "Script ${STARTUP_FOLDER}/${SCRIPT_TO_RUN_AFTER_BOOT} created."
echo "Press any key to reboot and activate changes or CRTL+C to quit."
read -n 1
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Alguém conseguiria fazer um vídeo de como eu consigo rodar esse script sem ter feito root na tv ?

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