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Created May 28, 2014 21:26
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Number plate recognition
clc, clear, close all
for i=1:6
x = imread(strcat(num2str(i), '.jpg'));
% x= imread('2.jpg'); % read image
image = rgb2gray(x);
%g=medfilt2(image,[2 2]); % Median filtering to remove noise.
H = padarray(2,[2 2]) - fspecial('gaussian' ,[5 5],2); % create unsharp mask
sharpened = imfilter(image,H); % create a sharpened version of the image using that mask
BW2 = edge(sharpened,'prewitt');
se=strel('disk',1); % Structural element (disk of radius 1) for morphological processing.
ge=imerode(BW2,se); % Eroding the gray image with structural element.
dil=imsubtract(dil,ge); % Morphological Gradient for edges enhancement.
dil=mat2gray(dil); % Converting the class to double.
dil=conv2(dil,[1 1;1 1]); % Convolution of the double image for brightening the edges.
dil=imadjust(dil,[0.5 0.7],[0 1],0.1); % Intensity scaling between the range 0 to 1.
%figure, imshow(dil);
% Filling all the regions of the image.
F = medfilt2(F,[3 3]); % Median filtering to remove noise.
figure, imshow(F);
%Thinning the image to ensure character isolation.
% Selecting all the regions that are of pixel area more than 100.
figure, imshow(final);
%I2 = imcrop(x,[405 360 200 100]);
%figure, imshow(I2);
%Find Plate
[lab, n] = bwlabel(final);
regions = regionprops(lab, 'All');
regionsCount = size(regions, 1) ;
for i = 1:regionsCount
region = regions(i);
RectangleOfChoice = region.BoundingBox;
PlateExtent = region.Extent;
PlateStartX = fix(RectangleOfChoice(1));
PlateStartY = fix(RectangleOfChoice(2));
PlateWidth = fix(RectangleOfChoice(3));
PlateHeight = fix(RectangleOfChoice(4));
if PlateWidth/PlateHeight> 1 && PlateWidth/PlateHeight < 2.7 && PlateExtent >= 0.3 && PlateExtent < 0.7
im2 = imcrop(x, RectangleOfChoice);
figure, imshow(im2), title(strcat('w/h: ', num2str(PlateWidth/PlateHeight), ' extent: ', num2str(PlateExtent)));
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