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gpu poor

Alex MacCaw maccman

gpu poor
View GitHub Profile
import {assertString} from 'plugins/assert'
type TemplateContext = {
input: string
customPrompt?: string
type Template = (context: TemplateContext) => string
type ServerPredictionPrompt = {
.marquee {
@apply flex-1 flex overflow-hidden;
.marquee .marquee-inner {
@apply truncate flex-1;
.marquee.marquee-active .marquee-inner {
@apply flex-none;
import { RefObject, useMemo, useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
type DOMRectRef = [rect: DOMRect, ref: RefObject<HTMLDivElement>]
export const useDimensions = ():DOMRectRef => {
const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
const [rect, setRect] = useState<DOMRect>(DOMRect.fromRect())
const resizeObserver = useMemo(() => {
import React, { Component } from 'react';
export default class DefaultImage extends Component {
state = {
error: null
onError = (error) => {

Sales candidate:


You'd be an integral part of a small, but experienced, sales team and would be responsible on day 1 for closing deals, creating & implementing growth strategy, having a keen eye for product and market opportunity, and ensuring customers are successful. Competitive base & variable comp.


  • 2-4 yrs experience in customer facing role (ex. sales, sales engineering, account management), preferably at B2B startup. If in sales, has been in closing role before. If not previously in sales, has desire to get into sales role.
  • Work out of SF office everyday.|

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am maccman on github.
  • I am maccman ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBW2l7Vjcl9iw1Q8voOYhUKRsWGM0BrfIbpwr7uGaFIkQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

maccman / show.erb
Created December 26, 2016 23:37
Clearbit Reveal/Drift integration
drift.on('ready',function(api, payload) {
api.showWelcomeOrAwayMessage(<%== @options.to_json %>);

To install Clearbit Connect for Google Inbox, follow the instructions below:

  1. Install the Chrome extension
  2. Navigate to
  3. Paste the following into the URL bar. Note that Chrome may remove the javascript: prefix when pasting - make sure to add it back in.

javascript:(localStorage.CB_INBOXBETA = true) && location.reload()

It should look like this:

maccman / batch_request.csv
Last active August 4, 2021 22:20
Clearbit Batch Example
maccman / user_signup.rb
Created February 25, 2016 18:48
Clearbit & integration
class UserSignup
# We're using a job queuing service called Sidekiq
# so that signups are processed and pushed to
# asyncronously.
include Sidekiq::Worker
attr_reader :user, :lookup
def perform(user_id)
# Find the user by ID