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<button @click="showCart = !showCart" v-show="!verified"> | |
{{ items.length + (items.length > 1 || items.length === 0 ? " items" : " item") }} | |
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<div class="card-block "> | |
<hr class="colorgraph"> | |
<h4 class="card-title"> {{item.title}} </h4> | |
<p> {{item.description}}</p> | |
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<div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6"> | |
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<div class="checkout" v-show="verified"> | |
<h3>Your Cart</h3> | |
<h5 v-for="item in items"><strong>{{ item.quantity }}</strong> - {{ item.title }}<span>${{ item.price * item.quantity }}</span></h5> | |
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<div class="u-pull-right"> | |
<h5>Total: Ksh. <span>{{ total }}</span></h5> | |
<button>Looks Good</button> | |
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