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Created January 19, 2019 13:55
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Checks that this repository and all of its submodules point to the tip of a certain BRANCH
# Usage ./ BRANCH
# Checks that this repository and all of its submodules point to the tip of
# a certain BRANCH.
check() {
cd $2
BRANCH_HASH=`git log --pretty=format:"%H" $BRANCH -- 2>/dev/null | head -1`
[ "$BRANCH_HASH" = "$1" ] ||
echo "$2 doesn't point to the tip of branch $BRANCH"
cd - >/dev/null
# Check this repo
check `git log --pretty=format:"%H" | head -1` .
# Also check submodules
git submodule status --recursive | while read line ; do
SUB_HASH=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
SUB_PATH=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
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