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Last active April 21, 2023 17:14
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Ember Query Param API examples
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How can I send the query-params to the server?

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If you are using Ember Data, you can do this with the filter() method. The filter method returns an array that will auto-update as other entries are found.

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machty commented Jan 7, 2014

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kamal commented Jan 7, 2014

@machty is there a way to pass query-params a context, instead of the current controller?

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Kerrick commented Jan 8, 2014

This looks pretty great at first glance! Has any consideration been made for something like Matrix URLs to remove the requirement for sticking everything after the query string, even when it may semantically belong elsewhere?

This would allow a URL to look like:


Instead of:


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machty commented Jan 9, 2014

@kamal i'm not sure what you mean, seems like the answer's definitely yes though {{link-to (query-params anythingYouWant)}}

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@machty this works for a route like this ?
Primary, NY and 55 are some values from a Fixture Model
The route above is suppose to change when you click on a link


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Are there any examples of using query params with an Ember.Select view?

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Is it possible to pass an entire object to the queryParams?

For example:

queryParams: ['filters'],
filters: {
  name: 'Ivan',
  age: 666

In the address bar, in theory, it should look like this: ```?filters[name]=ivan&filters[age]=666
But how to do it?

Tried your Gist - - but in Ember 1.7.0 this don't work :)

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@dlcwalkoff: Did you ever figure out an easy way to pass an object in the URL like that?

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sarus commented Nov 7, 2015

+1 on how to use objects in the query params (e.g., /book/5?filter[chapter]=Chapter1). This style is used heavily in json api and should be supported by Ember. Any ideas on how to go about it? It's also recommended for paging /books?page[number]=1&page[size]=100

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sarus commented Nov 7, 2015

Just came up with a way to use object based query params which seems to work:

In the controller you need to map the controller property to your query param key:

queryParams: ['sort',{
    entityNameFilterValue: 'filter[entity.entity-name]'

Then in the routers model function you need to construct the params however you want based on the controller value:

model: function(params){
      params.filter = {};
      params.filter['entity.entity-name'] = params.entityNameFilterValue;
      delete params.entityNameFilterValue;
    // do your store lookup now with params

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tchan commented Jul 31, 2017

Thanks for this!

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