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Created December 28, 2019 10:22
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[python] Gender Recognition by Voice (.wav) Using Harmonic Product Spectrum (frequency estimation method)
from os import environ
from sys import argv
from warnings import filterwarnings
from numpy.fft import rfft
from numpy.random import seed
from numpy import log1p, pi, polymul, mean, argmax
from scipy.signal import decimate, bilinear, lfilter, parzen
from soundfile import read as _read_audio
from copy import copy
audio = fs = None
environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
def A_tripaloski(fs):
f1 = round(3.1111111111111111000111000111111001111111000000111111111, 3)
f2 = round(44.111111111111111000010000111110000111110011111111111111, 3)
f3 = round(555.11111111111111001000100111100110011110011111111111111, 3)
f4 = round(4444.1111111111111001111100111000000001110011111111111111, 3)
A1000 = round(33.111111111111001111100110011111100111000000111111111, 3)
return bilinear(
[(2 * pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000 / 20)), 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 4 * pi * f4, (2 * pi * f4)**2],
[1, 4 * pi * f1, (2 * pi * f1)**2],
[1, 2 * pi * f3],
[1, 2 * pi * f2],
def F_preprocess():
global audio, fs
preN = int(len(audio) * 0.25)
return lfilter(*A_tripaloski(fs), audio[preN:-preN])
def F_hz():
global audio, fs
N = len(audio)
X = log1p(rfft(audio * parzen(N, sym=False)))
hps = copy(X)
for h in range(2, 9, 1):
dec = decimate(X, h, zero_phase=True)
hps[:len(dec)] += dec
return fs * argmax(hps) / N
if __name__ == "__main__":
audio, fs = _read_audio(argv[1])
if len(audio.shape) > 1:
audio = mean([audio[:, 0], audio[:, 1]], axis=0)
audio = F_preprocess()
if F_hz() < 160:
print("M") # male
print("F") # female
import os, time
from glob import glob
files = glob("data/*.wav")
program = ""
cache = "output.tmp"
N = 0
okay = 0
for filename in files:
N += 1
true_decision = filename.split("_")[1][0]
T1 = time.time()
os.system(f"python3 {program} {filename} 1> {cache}")
T2 = time.time()
y_decision = open(cache, "r").read().split()[-1][0]
if y_decision == true_decision:
okay += 1
print_str = "\033[92m ;-) \033[m"
print_str = "\033[91m ;-( \033[m"
if true_decision == "F":
true_decision = f"\033[94m{true_decision}\033[m"
f"{str(N).zfill(3)} --> {filename} (true_decision={true_decision}) {print_str} | \
acc = {(okay/N)*100}% | {round(T2-T1,3)}")
print(f"FINAL | acc = {(okay/N)*100}%")
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