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Last active June 29, 2022 09:17
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This an operator for the swift-parsing library that add a parser that consumes a subsequence from the beginning of its input up to a given parser succeed.
import Foundation
import Parsing
/// A parser that consumes a subsequence from the beginning of its input up to a given parser succeed.
/// This parser behave a lot like `PrefixUpTo` but it can be slower because it can use a parser instead of
/// a static string and consume and return input up to a particular parser succeed.
/// If provided with a string that correspond to the begining of the parser it will be almost as fast as `PrefixUpTo` in most cases. The only case where it will be slow when providing a string is when there is a lot of false positive aka pattern that look like what the parser should valid but are not valid.
/// ```swift
/// let separatorParser = Parse {
/// "["
/// Int.parser()
/// Optionally {
/// ";"
/// Int.parser()
/// }
/// "m"
/// }
/// let lineParser = PrefixUntil("[") { separatorParser }
/// var input = "Hello[31mworld[30m\n"[...]
/// try line.parse(&input) // "Hello"
/// input // "[31mworld[30m\n"
/// ```
/// - Tip: This is 15x slower than `PrefixUpTo` so use it only where a dynamic limit is needed caution.
public struct PrefixUntil<Input: Collection, Upstream: Parser>: Parser where Input.SubSequence == Input, Upstream.Input == Input {
public let upstream: Upstream
public let possibleMatch: Input?
public let areEquivalent: (Input.Element, Input.Element) -> Bool
public init(
_ possibleMatch: Input? = nil,
by areEquivalent: @escaping (Input.Element, Input.Element) -> Bool,
@ParserBuilder _ build: () -> Upstream) {
self.upstream = build()
self.possibleMatch = possibleMatch
self.areEquivalent = areEquivalent
public func fastPath(_ input: inout Input) throws -> Input {
guard let possibleMatch = self.possibleMatch else { return input }
guard let first = possibleMatch.first else { return possibleMatch }
let count = possibleMatch.count
let original = input
while let index = input.firstIndex(where: { self.areEquivalent(first, $0) }) {
input = input[index...]
if input.count >= count,
zip(input[index...], possibleMatch).allSatisfy(self.areEquivalent)
let outputSlow = try slowPath(&input)
if outputSlow.count == 0 { return original[..<index] }
return outputSlow
return original
public func slowPath(_ input: inout Input) throws -> Input {
let original = input
var testInput = input
var index = input.startIndex
var hasParsed = (try? self.upstream.parse(&testInput)) != nil
while hasParsed == false && index != testInput.endIndex {
index = testInput.startIndex
hasParsed = (try? self.upstream.parse(&testInput)) != nil
let lenght = original[..<index].count
return original[..<index]
public func parse(_ input: inout Input) throws -> Input {
guard !input.isEmpty
else { throw PrefixUntilError.expectedInput }
guard let _ = self.possibleMatch
else { return try slowPath(&input) }
return try fastPath(&input)
extension PrefixUntil where Input.Element: Equatable {
public init(@ParserBuilder _ build: () -> Upstream) {
self.init(nil, by: ==, build)
extension PrefixUntil where Input == Substring {
public init(_ possiblePrefix: String, @ParserBuilder _ build: () -> Upstream) {
self.init(possiblePrefix[...], by: ==, build)
extension PrefixUntil where Input == Substring.UTF8View {
public init(_ possibleMatch: String.UTF8View, @ParserBuilder _ build: () -> Upstream) {
self.init(String(possibleMatch)[...].utf8, by: ==, build)
public enum PrefixUntilError: Error, LocalizedError {
case expectedInput
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .expectedInput: return "We did expect a non-empty input."
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mackoj commented Jun 29, 2022

This allow to parser until a parser succeed and it doesn't support printing function.

Can be used like this PrefixUntil("[") { separatorParser } if the first characters of the separator parser are fixed or juste like that PrefixUntil { separatorParser }(more info).

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