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Last active October 13, 2017 10:57
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Table showing the major translations from Objective-C to Swift syntax

Conversion Process from Objective-C syntax to Swift The most important first step is to run Apple's "Convert to Modern Objective-C Syntax" refactoring, so that you're using array/dictionary literals and bracket-accesses; these will then be usable in Swift. Note also that I'm a beginner in Swift, so my apologies for any mistakes or incompleteness here.

When you see this pattern Replace with this
@interface *newType* : *superType* <*protocol1*, *protocol2*> class *newType* : *superType*, *protocol1*, *protocol2*
@implementation OR @synthesize OR @end Delete
property(…) TypeName * varName; var varName:TypeName
property (readonly...) TypeName * varName; let varName:TypeName
property(…) TypeName * IBOutlet varName; @IBOutlet var varName:TypeName
Compiler Directives
#import module.h Obj-C modules: Include in ...-Bridging-Header.h
Project modules: Delete
Frameworks: import module
#define macroName value let macroName = value
More complex#define / #ifdef / #ifndef N/A
#elif value #elseif value
#pragma mark sectionName // MARK: sectionName (not implemented yet)
NSAssert(conditon,description) assert(condition, description)
NSString * String
NSArray * arrayName = arrayValue let arrayName = arrayValue OR
let arrayName: Array<TypeName> = arrayValue OR
let arrayName: TypeName[] = arrayValue
NSDictionary * Dictionary
NSMutableArray OR NSMutableDictionary ... var arrayName...
id AnyObject
TypeName * TypeName
c types, e.g. uint32 OR float Titlecase , e.g. UInt32 or Float
NSInteger OR NSUInteger Int OR UInt
Method Definitions
-(void) methodName func methodName()
-(TypeName) methodName func methodName() -> TypeName
-(IBAction) methodName @IBAction func methodName
+(TypeName) methodName class func methodName() -> TypeName
...methodName: (Type1) param1 b: (Type2) param2 ...methodName(param: Type1 b param2: Typ2)
method overriden from superclass add override
TypeName varName = value var (OR let) name = value OR
var (OR let) name: TypeName if necessary
Object Creation
TypeName * varName = [[TypeName alloc] init] varName = TypeName()
[[TypeName alloc] initWithA: value1 B: value2] TypeName(a: value1, b: value2)
[TypeName TypeNameWithA: value] TypeName(a: value)
break in switch statements not necessary, except for empty cases,
but add fallthrough where needed
if/while (expr) if/while expr, parentheses optional,
but expr must now be a boolean
for ( ... ) for ..., optional
Method Calls
[object method] object.method()
[object method: param1 b: param2 …] object.method(param1, b: param2, …)
YES true
NO false
(TypeName) value to recast value as TypeName OR TypeName(value)
stringName.length stringName.utf16 OR stringName.countElements
stringName isEqualToString: string2Name stringName == string2Name
NSString stringWithFormat@"...%@..%d",obj,int) "...\(obj)...\(int)"
semicolons at end of line Optionally delete
@ for literals Delete

Beyond those mostly syntactical conversions, you'll also need to do more semantic-based conversions:

  • Handle all cases in switch statements (probably by adding a default case) o Add overrides for all superclass inits
  • Change the definition for any variables that are only set once to let versus var
  • Move getters/setters into set/get blocks in property definitions; in set, change name for the incoming value to newValue
  • Biggest change is handling of nil and the new Optional types. Normal variables can no longer be assigned nil, only Optional ones. This should get rid of a vast array of program errors. On the other hand, all results from Cocoa methods are defined as Optionals with auto-unwrap. This means that the compiler will NOT warn you that the returned values are handled incorrectly, leading to a whole new set of potential runtime problems.
  • For every property, either (a) assign initial value, or (b) add to init call or (c) make Optional by adding ? to type
  • In initializers, you must set your own non-optional properties before calling super.init
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