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Created December 10, 2017 22:47
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Tree simulation
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ete3 import Tree
import random
def delete_single_child_internal(t):
"""Utility function that removes internal nodes
with a single child from tree"""
for node in t.traverse("postorder"):
if(not node.is_leaf() and len(node.get_children()) < 2):
if len(t.get_children()) == 1:
t = t.children[0]
t.up = None
def birth_only_tree(birth, nsize=10, max_time=None):
"""Generates a uniform-rate birth-only tree.
- ``birth`` : birth rate
- ``nsize`` : desired number of leaves
- ``max_time`` : maximum allowed time for evolution
done = False
total_time = 0
# create initial root node and set length to 0
tree = Tree()
tree.dist = 0.0
# check if a stopping condition is provided
if not (nsize or max_time):
raise ValueError('A stopping criterion is required')
while True:
# get the current list of extant species
leaf_nodes = tree.get_leaves()
# get required waiting time before next speciation
wtime = random.expovariate(len(leaf_nodes) / birth)
# check if stopping criterion is reached then
# stop loop if yes
if len(leaf_nodes) >= nsize or (max_time and total_time + wtime >= max_time):
done = True
# update the length of all current leaves
# while not exceeding the maximum evolution time
max_limited_time = min(
wtime, (max_time or total_time + wtime) - total_time)
for leaf in leaf_nodes:
leaf.dist += max_limited_time
if done:
# update total time of evolution
total_time += max_limited_time
# add a new node to a randomly chosen leaf.
node = random.choice(leaf_nodes)
c1 = Tree()
c2 = Tree()
c1.dist = 0.0
c2.dist = 0.0
# Label leaves here and also update
# the last branch lengths
leaf_nodes = tree.get_leaves()
leaf_compteur = 1
for (ind, node) in enumerate(leaf_nodes): = 'T%d' % leaf_compteur
leaf_compteur += 1
return tree
def birth_death_tree(birth, death, nsize=10, max_time=None, remlosses=True, r=True):
"""Generates a birth-death tree.
- ``birth`` : birth rate
- ``death`` : death rate
- ``nsize`` : desired number of leaves
- ``max_time`` : maximum time of evolution
- ``remlosses`` : whether lost leaves (extinct taxa) should be pruned from tree
- ``r`` : repeat until success
# initialize tree with root node
tree = Tree()
tree.dist = 0.0
done = False
# get current list of leaves
leaf_nodes = tree.get_leaves()
curr_num_leaves = len(leaf_nodes)
total_time = 0
died = set([])
# total event rate to compute waiting time
event_rate = float(birth + death)
while True:
# waiting time based on event_rate
wtime = random.expovariate(event_rate)
total_time += wtime
for leaf in leaf_nodes:
# extinct leaves cannot update their branches length
if not leaf.extinct:
leaf.dist += wtime
if curr_num_leaves >= nsize:
done = True
if done:
# if event occurs within time constraints
if max_time is None or total_time <= max_time:
# select node at random, then find chance it died or give birth
# (speciation)
node = random.choice(leaf_nodes)
eprob = random.random()
curr_num_leaves -= 1
# birth event (speciation)
if eprob < birth / event_rate:
child1 = Tree()
child1.dist = 0
child2 = Tree()
child2.dist = 0
# update add two new leave
# (remember that parent was removed)
curr_num_leaves += 2
# death of the chosen node
if curr_num_leaves > 0:
node.extinct = True
if not r:
raise ValueError(
"All lineage went extinct, please retry")
# Restart the simulation because the tree has gone
# extinct
tree = Tree()
leaf_nodes = tree.get_leaves()
tree.dist = 0.0
curr_num_leaves = 1
died = set([])
total_time = 0
# this should always hold true
assert curr_num_leaves == len(leaf_nodes)
if remlosses:
# prune lost leaves from tree
leaves = set(tree.get_leaves()) - died
# remove all non binary nodes
leaf_nodes = tree.get_leaves()
leaf_compteur = 1
for ind, node in enumerate(leaf_nodes):
# label only extant leaves
if not node.extinct:
# node.dist += wtime = "T%d" % leaf_compteur
leaf_compteur += 1
return tree
if __name__ == '__main__':
yuletree = birth_only_tree(1.0, nsize=10)
bdtree = birth_death_tree(1.0, 0.5, nsize=10)
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